Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== From the boardroom to the break room, women still face obstacles and difficulties that stand in the face of progress and upward mobility. Why are women still only making 79 cents to every $1 a man makes? Why are the perceptions of hard working women different from men? Why are women presidential candidates treated differently than their male counterparts? Why does race still matter for women of color? And why is the work and family balancing act still a major factor in the upward mobility of career women in the United States and other countries? Women have made tremendous progress in the past 100 years. That’s a certainty. However, so much more can be achieved when we examine the root causes of why so much more can be done to achieve gender equity in the workplace. We’ll also salute military veterans Rev. Dr. Sandra Whitley and Rev. Dr. Carlita Cotton, whose achievements were recognized and honored during the March 3rd Black History Breakfast. Women on the move…making a difference in our world.
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Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== It took more than 100 years to officially recognize women in America, but it’s been well worth the wait. Women have contributed to ALL facets of society, and now make up more than half the population of the country. And even though we celebrate our accomplishments, trials and tribulations in the US, we also celebrate the value and significance of women ALL over the world. Most importantly those women who toil and untirelessly keep their families together, often making less than a dollar a day. Those women deserve dignity, respect and support from the rest of us. We’ll also applaud the achievements of our veteran women, including Patricia Odom, who was honored in last week’s Black History Breakfast. Women…we salute you on today’s program! * Click Here To Read More About Patricia Odom: ==================== About Women’s History Month (US Government Version) Source: Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week." Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as "Women’s History Week." In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month." Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” =========================== National Women’s History Project (Non-Profit Organization) Source: In 1980, the National Women’s History Project (NWHP) was founded in Santa Rosa, California by Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett and Bette Morgan to broadcast women’s historical achievements. The NWHP started by leading a coalition that successfully lobbied Congress to designate March as National Women’s History Month, now celebrated across the land. Today, the NWHP is known nationally as the only clearinghouse providing information and training in multicultural women’s history for educators, community organizations, and parents-for anyone wanting to expand their understanding of women contributions to U. S. history. ============================ International Women’s Day Source: International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women's Day, is celebrated on March 8 every year.[2] In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation, and love towards women for their economic, political, and social achievements. In some regions, the day lost its political flavor, and became simply an occasion for people to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. In other regions, however, the political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner. Some people celebrate the day by wearing purple ribbons. ================ US Census Bureau Facts About Women Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Despite advancement through the years, women still make on average 77 cents of what a man earns. Like many women, LaVerne Freeman has faced this gender inequity and confronted it head on throughout her career and business experiences. And on today’s show she will give us valuable tips and strategies on how to address these gender issues with finesse and professionalism. The Job Coach Is Back! Employment expert and career professional LaVerne is back to help YOU enhance your career development, find your next job or help you get through difficult obstacles. Are you stuck in a job you hate? Is there a future for you in another organization, but you’re too afraid to make that move? What is your risk factor in taking on a new assignment in your organization that may require you to risk the creature comfort that you currently enjoy?? And what if you’re over 50 and suddenly find yourself out of work and competing with professionals your kid’s age? If we hit your hot button, today’s show is definitely for you. And we’ll share some tips for you to stay sane and financially afloat as the economy continues to recover. ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device It's FUN FRIDAY and we're excited about my special book signing next Tuesday March 11th at Darryl's in Boston. My topic: "Spiritual Alignment When You Want To Live Right." No charge to attend, and you'll have a prime opportunity to mix and mingle with Boston's Finest. Details are on the flyer below. Time: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
And don't stop there! Join us on Wednesday March 12th when award-winning jazz artist and Berklee music professor Dr. Bill Banfield kicks off his latest CD Release Party at Sculler's Jazz Club here in Boston. Time: 8pm For Tickets Visit: Two special events won't want to miss!! -Carole 3/14/2013 Through The Eyes Of Delta: The 100th Anniversary Re-enactment of the 1913 Women’s Suffrage MarchRead NowFocus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Alice Paul, the great Suffrage March organizer didn’t want them. The sight of 22 Black women from Howard University was disruptive to her cause. And Southern Whites certainly had no use for them. They were considered the inferior race, prime targets for lynching, discrimination and real violence against women. The time: March 1913. The day before the inauguration of President Elect Woodrow Wilson, who certainly had NO use for Black People or uppity women who did not know their place. Despite all odds and the racial tension of the era, they marched anyway. They held the banner for the organization they had just formed two months earlier. Little did they realize that their act of courage would signal an ultimate victory that gave ALL women the right to vote by 1920. Now 100 years later the 22 gave way to over 300,000 members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Armed with that historic sense of courage, my organization marched 15,000 strong on March 3, 2013 down the very Washington Streets that the original 22 walked for the cause. I was there on March 3rd, and this show is dedicated to the 22 who made the difference. My name is Carole Copeland Thomas. I am proud member of Delta Sigma Theta, and this is Focus On Empowerment! ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device The Book For Anyone Thinking About The World Of Entrepreneurship Co-Authored By Carole Copeland Thomas Five years in the making, Real Women Real Issues Positive Collaborations For Business Success is a book capturing the essence of businesswomen working together for positive change. I met Debra Gould, Nancy Lewis and Michelle Porchia nearly 20 years ago at a National Speakers Association national convention. We formed Ebony Speakers in 2007 and now we've just published our first book together. (This is my third book.) If you are in business or thinking of starting one, this book is for you. Real Women, Real Issues: Positive Collaborations for Business Success is a unique collaboration between four dynamic women coming together from many years of varied experience and from our own Mastermind group experience. Out of that came the concept of communicating with other women on the importance of maintaining quality personal, professional and business relationships with other people who promote positive living. From years of experience in training, human resources and corporate consulting Debra Gould, Nancy Lewis, Michelle Porchia and I have crafted a power-packed ground breaking business guide for women and men of all ages and ethnicities. Topics in the book include: •Work-Life Balance •Global Diversity •Networking •Relationship Economics •Starting and Running A Business •Working Through Difficulties and •Challenges We've "been there and done that." We know the dynamics of balancing family life with business and share our inner thoughts of how to make it all work. Each one of us has celebrated our triumphs while navigating the sting of tragedy. Our monthly conference call meetings have created an accountability that keep us going and move us closer to our goals. This book shares our thoughts and strategies on building a business that can withstand the test of time. Every day won't generate a million dollars in sales. But we will help you generate millions of new ideas and strategies that will take you to the next level in life and in your business cycle. Click Here To Buy Your Copy Online And don't forget about your friends and colleagues who could benefit from reading Real Women Real Issues. When you buy Real Women Real Issues AND my other book 21 Ways To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home And Your Community, I'll send you A Primer For Women's Health ... FREE. That's 3 books for only $25 (plus shipping). Click Here To Order 2 Copies of Carole's Books at $25 (plus shipping). Opportunities are unlimited when you reach out and see the possibilities for starting a business, expanding an existing one or helping another woman or man start their own. Real Women Real Issues will help you discover your own potential in today's worldwide marketplace. ![]() Host A Book Signing For Carole or The Ebony Speakers *** Book Carole For Your Next Conference, Annal Meeting Or Convention. I love traveling and would love to bring my books to your organization, group, or convention. I have several special packages that include my signature topics--diversity, empowerment and leadership AND a book signing including my affordably priced packages. Call me at (508) 947-5755 or email me at [email protected]. I look forward to bring my special message to your organization in the months ahead. And check out the Ebony Speakers brand new website at: Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Executive Director Molly Murphy MacGregor takes us back more than 40 years when she produced a multimedia slide presentation on the history of women in the US that began a movement. As the co-founder of the National Women's History Project she wil articulate the achievements and challenges facing women both past and present. The NWHP is the catalyst, the content provider, the behind-the-scenes director of a myriad of activities promoting women as leaders and influential forces in our society. For over 30 years, the NWHP, founded in Santa Rosa, California, has established a nationwide presence as the number one resource for information and material about the unfolding roles of women in American history. The NWHP leads both local and national efforts, consults, publishes, distributes, inspires, advises, and networks with a wide variety of institutions and activists in the field. Every year in March, the NWHP coordinates observances of National Women’s History Month throughout the country. The NWHP originated this widely recognized celebration and sets the annual theme, produces educational materials, and chooses particular women to honor nationally for their work. Women’s History Month programs, community events, plays, essay contests, and related projects often have wide-ranging effects. Go to for more information. CELEBRATING WOMEN EVERYWHERE ON TODAY'S SHOW!! ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
The Multicultural Symposium Series Webinar Series features current topics designed to enhance personal development both on and off the job. All you need is a computer and a phone to join each webinar. Open to Members of the Multicultural Symposium Series.
Visit for complete information.' Want to learn what it's like to own your own business? Or how to expand your business? Pick up a copy of Carole's book today!
Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
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