Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Asian Pacific American Heritage Month goes way beyond the face of China, Japan and other East Asian Countries. It also touches on the life stories of thousands of South Asians from Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India. And even with those five countries of origins, their religious beliefs, traditions, ethnicities and cultures are as diverse as they come. Today we'll focus on India and the significant contributions of the Indian American community. We will visit the other South Asian American cultures during future shows. But today let's look at the contributions, opportunities and challenges facing nearly 3 million Indian Americans including Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and CNN Global Correspondent Fareed Zakaria. Our guest today is Upendra Mishra, publisher of India New England and former bureau chief and division editor of United Press International. It's all things India...all things Indian American on today's show. About Today's Guest Upendra Mishra is the founder and managing partner of The Mishra Group. Prior to founding The Mishra Group, he worked as a business reporter for the Boston Business Journal. He also served as bureau chief and division editor at the United Press International (UPI) for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean region. Prior to joining UPI, Mr. Mishra was a business reporter for The News, an English-language daily in Mexico City, Mexico. Learn More About India At Our Website: ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device
5/24/2012 Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: Understanding the Cultures and Traditions of A Diverse Cross Cultural CommunityRead NowRev. Cheng Imm Tan Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== In 1978, a joint congressional resolution established Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. The first 10 days of May were chosen to coincide with two important milestones in Asian/Pacific American history: the arrival in the United States of the first Japanese immigrants (May 7, 1843) and contributions of Chinese workers to the building of the transcontinental railroad, completed May 10, 1869. In 1992, Congress expanded the observance to a month long celebration. Who are these citizens whose cultures and traditions represent countries, villages and towns thousands of miles from America? And is there any truth to the “Model Minority” myth to describe Asians from very diverse racial and religious backgrounds? Today we will interview Rev. Cheng Imm Tan, Director of the Mayor's Office of New Bostonians (MONB) a leading voice in a metropolitan region where global diversity meets the Asian community each and every day. About MONB Mayor Thomas M. Menino established The Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians (MONB) in 1998 to meet the needs of the growing and changing immigrant and newcomer communities in Boston. MONB's mission and objectives were formed through a democratic process that included dialogues across immigrant groups in Boston. Mission of MONB To strengthen the ability of diverse cultural and linguistic communities to play an active role in the economic, civic, social and cultural life in the city of Boston; to act as a catalyst for providing opportunity, access and equality for immigrants; to highlight the contributions and the essential role that immigrants have played and continue to play in making Boston the world class city that it is. Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The U.S. Census Bureau definition of Asians refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "Asian" or reported entries such as "Chinese," "Filipino," "Asian Indian," Vietnamese, "Korean," Japanese," and "Other Asian" or provided other detailed Asian responses. They comprise 4.8% of the U.S. population alone, while people who are Asian combined with at least one other race make up 5.6%. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Above:Marcela Aldaz
Executive Vice Prsident Vice President of Women of ALPFA Relationship Manager at Capital Formation Group Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Earlier this morning the US Census Bureau made this dramatic announcement: White births are no longer the majority in the United States. The new 2011 census, reveals non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 per cent of all births in the 12-month period that ended last July. The minorities – Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race – made 50.4 per cent in total, with Hispanics at 26 per cent, blacks 15 per cent, and about 4 per cent Asian. That compares with a 37 per cent ratio in 1990. Clearly Hispanics...or Latinos are in the lead in population growth and overall demographic increases in American cities and towns throughout the country. And in the field of business, finance and economic development, the Latino community has firm footing within industries across the globe. Joining me today is Marcela Aldaz, one of the leading spokespersons representing ALPFA, the nation's fastest growing Latino business organization in the country. ======================== Note: The word Hispanic is used interchangeably with Latino. Latinas are women in the Latino/Hispanic community. ABOUT ALPFA: ALPFA is the leading national professional association, consisting of chapters across the country and Puerto Rico. ALPFA is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos in the business, accounting, finance and related professions. ALPFA is a not-for-profit entity registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Membership is open to anyone who shares our values, mission, and principles. ALPFA is the proud successor of the American Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountants (AAHCPA), the first national Latino professional association in the United States. Established in 1972, this Association continues to build upon our proud legacy of shared values and guiding principles. Upon this bedrock of shared values, the Association’s visionary founders launched an ambitious mission that they pursued over the course of thirty years. Committed to its shared values and to its mission, the Association flourished, expanding its base of operations to fifteen chapters nation-wide with several more in formation As heir to this rich legacy, ALPFA’s current Board of Directors, with the support of the Corporate Advisory Board, is innovatively addressing the challenges that lie ahead by promoting the highest standards of excellence for itself and for its members. ALPFA advances into the 21st century as an experienced professional association dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos in the accounting, finance and related professions. For more information visit: =============================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Photos from Top Left: Carole with her Mother, Gwendolyn Charleston Copeland in (circa) 1955. Top Right: Carole with her son, the late Mickarl D Thomas, Jr. 1996. Bottom: Family Collage with daughter, Michelle, Daughter and Son in Law Lorna and Jerome Farquharson, and granddaughters, Julianna and Gabrielle. 2009-2011
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Tributes to mothers have existed in individual societies throughout time, but never in such large numbers before the singular act of one woman who pushed the idea to the international stage. In 1868 Ann Jarvis lit the torch in the ashes of the Civil War by creating an annual memorial for mothers. It was her daughter Anna Jarvis who spread the seed of Mother's Day into the international celebration that it has become today. Today's show will look at the holiday in its infancy and will trace its growth around the world. From it's beginnings at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in West Virginia to participation in Bangladesh, China and a bit of controversy in Germany...Mother's Day is an international tribute to the untiring work of women who care and nurture children in our societies. No matter the circumstances, from biological birth mothers to sisters, aunts and cousins who stand in the gap, Mother's Day is a celebration of the unconditional love Mothers bring to the world. And then I will pay tribute to my own Mother, the late Gwendolyn Charleston Copeland, and my daughters, grandmothers, aunts, and cousins who complete the Mother's Day circle in my family. This show will help you celebrate the resilience of women worldwide whose roles and responsibilities in raising and nurturing children can never be replaced. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== The image of frat houses, sorority parties and step shows from Spike Lee's movie "School Daze" only tells a small part of what African American sororities do in communities of color across the country. Unlike White fraternal organizations who concentrate most of their activities during college years, Black fraternal organizations are active members of the community and are civically involved throughout adulthood. Today we'll talk with two leaders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and learn more about Delta Day At The State House, an annual legislative conference replicated in states across the US. Past Chapter Presidents Natalie Carithers-Utley and Gloria Coney highlight this month's Delta Day at the Massachusetts State House, hosted by State Representative Gloria Fox. Issues including Stand Your Ground, Three Strikes , and Women's Health Care were part of a day long dialogue with sorority members, legislators, and the general public. Delta Day in Rhode Island also convenes their session this month. It's a look at social action at the highest level. Come explore the inner activities of Black women on the move. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. A sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately Black college educated women, the Sorority currently has over 900 chapters located in the United States, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea. It was founded in 1913 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC. For more information visit their website at: =========================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
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Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
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