Top Left: Hillary Clinton, Top Right: Donald Trump, Bottom Left: Dr. Nichole R. Phillips
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== It’s an understatement that the 2016 presidential election is one of the most contentious in modern history. From our major candidates calling each other liars to sexual assault allegations stretching back 30 years, it’s difficult to tell if this is a presidential campaign or a nasty reality show. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are fighting their way forward to the White House in the most combative style in modern history. Voter turnout will be the key to the victor, and much of that will depend on who turns up, turns out and casts their ballot for the candidate of their choice. I am a product of the Civil Rights Era of the 50s and 60s…and the right to vote is very very precious to me. I’ve missed very few elections and scratch my head when people don’t vote. My second son in law recently became a US citizen so that he could vote in the Nov 8th election. Voting is power and voting is a privilege in this country. Joining me today is Dr. Nichole R. Phillips, Assistant Professor at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University whose recent stellar commentary sheds new light on why this election will set the course for the United States for years to come. =============== Commentary By Dr. Nichole R. Phillips About tonight's presidential debate and not voting in November... Donald J Trump is consistent. His debating efforts are not geared towards winning new constituencies. His efforts are always to please and appease his voting base. He is not attempting to garner the favor of "the African Americans," "the Latinos," or "the Mooslems." He is on a slippery slope with "the women" - and knows that, so even if his apology is insincere - he might just need "the women’s" vote. Don't be fooled also by whom you conceive of as his "stereotyped" voting base. While many traditional Republicans are defecting, he has an even larger traditional/establishmentarian base that still supports his candidacy. His candidacy is about "making America great...again" and thus also about the large segment of the American population who fears the drastic social changes on the precipice of occurring in America in the next 10 to 20 years. With that said, I keep reading millennials and Generation Xers profiles about not voting in this election (and I am certain there are some baby boomers who will not vote for the same reasons, but I don't have many of them as "FB friends”). Here is my position on that. Life must be lived outside of the social capital associated with FB thumbs up. Stop being self-righteous, scared, and/or cavalier about "not voting." You choose the "lesser of two evils" all the time! Much of life is lived in the "gray," not in the black or white. Take a position, stop being indecisive and vote! Because even if you do not vote, either "30,000 e-mails deceitful" HRC or "p***sy grabbing" DJT will emerge (that is a promise) as the next President and your life and livelihood will still be affected by the policies of whoever emerges as the next President! (Four spots on the Supreme Court are up for grabs so I have now alerted you about a pressing issue that demands your attention and your vote because nominations are submitted by the next President.) So have a say! NOW IS THE TIME …NOT AFTER THE WINNER TAKES OFFICE - in whom you want to shape the course of this country and your life for the next four years! Nichole R. Phillips, PhD Assistant Professor of Sociology, Religion, and Culture Candler School of Theology, Emory University Senior Faculty Fellow, Center for Ethics, Emory University
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== With the political conventions nearing an end, it’s time for you to develop a comprehensive, defendable AND rational perspective on the presidential campaigns. Please don’t say, “I don’t get involved in politics.” That’s a copout! You don’t have to broadcast your political opinion to the next reporter you meet. And I am aware that some of you are in sensitive positions at work that prevent you from “speaking your mind.” What I know is that if you are an American citizen you must VOTE and you must become informed about the issues. That is your requirement for citizenship and a small price to pay for the freedoms we take for granted in this great land. Today Carole will share FIVE WAYS to strengthen your political perspective so that you will become an informed citizen. Not just for the upcoming November 8th General Election that will either make Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump the winner…but a strategy that you can use for EVERY election in your town or village. Take out your pen, paper or smartphone and let’s design a political gameplan that’s right for YOU and the candidates of YOUR choice! ================== ELECTION DAY 2016 The United States presidential election of 2016, constitutionally prescribed to occur on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, will be the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote for a new president and vice president through the Electoral College. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT:,_2016
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Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== What seems like the wildest campaign season in modern history is just the forerunner to electing the next President of the United States. Nearly 20 candidates stepped into the political area last year with their pledges, promises and possibilities. Now only five are left standing as the race tightens and narrows each and every day. Clinton, Sanders, Cruz, Trump and Kasich all have angles and agendas that you need to study. Not your mom, dad, cousin or colleague…..YOU need to study each candidate so that you can make an intelligent decision in the voting booth. We’ll walk you through a five step plan to help you determine your best candidate to lead these United States of America in 2017. Five Steps For Strategic Voting 1. Understand The History of US Elections 2. Background Check Each Candidate 3. Read Foreign Press 4. Think About Who Would Best Represent YOU As President 5. Separate The Courtship From The Marriage In the United States the sacrifices of so many who often died to guarantee our right to vote should never be taken for granted. Midterm Elections take place on Tuesday November 4th and it is the DUTY of every eligible American to VOTE in the General Elections this Tuesday.
As an African American I am particularly wedded to voting and honor my ancestors by voting in EVERY election in my town. Yes, I am a VOTING FANATIC...and never take it for granted. You shouldn't either. If you live in Massachusetts, click on the button below and read the non-partisan summary of all of the ballot questions and review all of the statewide and federal candidates on Tuesday's ballot. This was prepared for Boston voters. Check your local town office for the candidates running in your area or state.. And please download this terrific document "22 Reasons To Vote" published by my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Take two friends to polls with you and make it a voting party! Your country is depending on YOU to VOTE on Tuesday. -Carole Copeland Thomas Many Thanks To Sydney Janey for preparing The (Boston) Voters Summary Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Back by popular demand is financial expert Lurie Davis with tips and strategies on creating wealth and building a secure future with or without your job. Lurie recently joined Carole’s Kitchen Cabinet Leadership Team and will regularly give you advice, answer questions and help you design a stress free financial future for peace of mind and long term success. We’ll also talk with MassVote Executive Director Cheryl Crawford and discuss the low voter turnout (31%) in this week’s hot Boston mayoral Primary. With such an important primary why did so few eligible voters show up at the polls? And more importantly how does this connect to other elections across the country with low voter turnouts? From creating personal wealth to voter advocacy, today’s show will stretch you towards a new course of action. About Lurie Davis Lurie Davis is a native of Lynn, Massachusetts. He received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Minor in Business Administration from Springfield College in 1986. He is currently an active member of the Financial Planning Association. Lurie started his professional career in the Mutual Fund Industry, working as a Qualified Plans Representative in 1987 with Pioneer Investments. From there he moved on to Fidelity Investments in Boston working in Marketing and Sales. He worked 9 years with New England Securities as a Regional Marketing & Sales Representative. After completing the Executive Training Program with Morgan Stanley /Dean Witter Reynolds in 1997 he became a Financial Planner. Lurie has worked 26 years in the financial services community. Currently Lurie is CEO and President of the Lurie Davis Wealth Management and Lurie Davis Insurance Agency. Office is located at 40 Baltimore Street, Lynn, MA 01902, email: [email protected], 781-595-0396. Your comments are welcome below. ======================== How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() By Carole Copeland Thomas Eric Esteves, Chair of the Political Action Committee of the Boston Branch NAACP, is serious about social action and empowering the community about voting rights. Filmed in the Boston Branch offices in Roxbury, Massachusetts on Saturday September 21, 2013, the branch was busy preparing the community for the upcoming City Council and Mayoral Primary Election set for Tuesday September 24th. Michael Curry is the Boston Branch President. For More Information visit their website at Or Visit The National Website at GO VOTE!! Your Comments Are Welcome. 9/23/2013 Carole's Video Tip For Today: Go Vote!! Boston Primary Election on Tuesday September 24, 2013Read NowAs a staunch diversity advocate and someone who is fanatical about voting I urge EVERY eligible voter in Boston to cast your ballot in the mayoral and city council Primary Election on Tuesday September 24, 2013. Never before in the history of Boston has there been 12 candidates for mayor, including 6 of the 12 people of color including one woman! They are all would-be hopefuls, in their quest to replace the successful 20 year record setting leadership of Mayor Tom Menino. (He announced that he would not run for a sixth term in office last March, 2013.) If you know someone in Boston, share this video with them. If you don't live in Boston, make sure that YOU are a registered vote and vote in every election in your city or town. This is one of the tips in my book: 21 Ways to Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home And Your Community. -Carole Copeland Thomas Here's The Boston Globe Link To A Profile Of All 12 Boston Mayoral Candidates: And Click On The Audio Clips Below For Interviews I Conducted With Charlotte Golar Richie and Charles Yancey For My Radio Program.
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Vote Like Your Life Depends On It
Yes, I literally mean it! Today is Election Day in the United States of America. And unless you waited in long lines and early voted or voted by absentee ballot like my younger daughter, Michelle, and I did last week, TODAY is your opportunity to exercise your right to decide the fate of the country. In full disclosure I am: •A rabid supporter of President Barack Obama •A robust supporter of Elizabeth Warren for US Senate •A fanatic about voting To me, voting is part of that “rent” you pay for being an American. It is your affirmation for diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism. I could write volumes on the sacrifices that my ancestors and yours made to protect our right to vote. I grew up in Detroit and remember the bloodbath of the 1960s. We all cried for months when our own Viola Liuzzo was shot and killed on the night of the Selma March in 1965. She was a White housewife and mother of five from suburban Detroit, and we were so proud that she and so many others traveled South to stand for freedom and equality for all. She was gunned down like a dog by the Ku Klux Klan, and her death fortified our resolve to Vote Like Our LIves Depended On It. I will never forget her sacrifice, and the sacrifice of every single Black, White, Asian, and Latino brother and sister who fought and died to protect MY right to vote. Sorry, my friends, I am a FANATIC about voting. And my former husband and I drilled that into our children’s they are now voting Fanatics, too. I support the re-election of President Barack Obama. As soon as I post this commentary, I am headed to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to work the polls and help deliver the 4 electoral votes that the Obama Presidency needs. I believe President Obama needs four more years to finish what he has started in office. And despite the demonic, hate-filled racially motivated attacks on his character, President Obama has persevered with professionalism and vision. Mitt Romney was my governor, as was his father, George Romney, when I grew up in Detroit. Mitt Romney is NOT George Romney. George, the father, was PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS, and was a decent, respectable man of integrity. Mitt Romney was a mediocre governor who raised fees at every opportunity so that he would not have to raise taxes. He signed the Massachusetts health care bill because the grass roots organizations, like the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, forced him to do so. He didn’t dare challenge their power. And I will never forget the 2002 invitation I extended to him to come on my radio program on WILD-1090 AM to address my audience. He blew me off until I “outed” him on the air as the only gubernatorial candidate who refused to come on my show. Two weeks later he did the interview to stave off embarrassment. I also support Massachusetts’ own Elizabeth Warren for US Senate. Her opponent, Scott Brown, says he’s a Massachusetts Republican, but he votes with the Tea Party Republicans when he is in Washington. The NAACP gave Brown an “F” for his lousy voting record on civil rights issues. He also voted against the pay equity bill for women while in office. I have confronted Senator Brown on two different occasions on his voting record, and he shrugged me off both times when I questioned him. Can’t support a politician who votes against the social and economic issues of my people. Just can’t do it. So much for me and my family. We are civically engaged. My brother, sister in law, nieces, nephews, and cousins VOTE. That’s how we were raised by our parents and grandparents...all from the South. What about you?? Did you register to vote? Did you vote today? Are you taking someone to the polls? If you are in a state like New Hampshire or Minnesota you can register TODAY and vote TODAY. I made calls for the Obama campaign yesterday. I talked with one woman in New Hampshire and told her that she could register and vote today in New Hampshire. She then told me she would “take it under advisement.” Some things you don’t “take under advisement.” You just do it. You Vote Like Your LIfe Depends On It! Tomorrow starts the reset button on either President Obama’s administration or Mitt Romney’s Presidency. As you know, I am rooting for President Obama. I don’t even want to think about a Tea Party led Romney Presidency. It all depends on YOU. YOU hold the key to the future of our country. Vote Like Your Life Depends On It. Vote for the candidates of your choice. But for God’s Sake...and the Sake of our country. JUST VOTE. Carole Copeland Thomas Born Into A Southern Based Social Justice African American Family Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== The long wait is over. The campaigning is winding down. The door knocking, phone calling, post card campaigning and rally cries are nearing an end. The November 6th General Election for the USA is at our doorsteps. President Obama or Governor Romney. US Senate Seats and Congressional Representatives. State, County and Local Officials. Ballot Questions. All up for grabs in the November 6th Election. And YOU are in the driver's seat. Your VOTE WILL make the difference. Carole will walk you through 10 Important Tips, several resources and websites to consider before entering the voting booth next Tuesday's election. Congratulations to those who voted early or by absentee ballot. You can still help others get to the polls next Tuesday. And our heart especially go out to those impacted by Hurricane Sandy who might experience added difficulties in voting next week. We'll also give highlights from last week's WONDERFUL Multicultural Conference Co Hosted by UMass Boston and The Commonwealth Compact. Some Helpful Websites For You National Elections... Massachusetts Elections & The 3 Ballot Questions Voter ID Information National Organizations With Specific Election Information To find out specific information about YOUR state, contact your Secretary of State's office or Contact your local city or town clerk's office. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
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Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024