by Carole Copeland Thomas, MBA
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== This is written for an American audience; however, I know that many friends and colleagues around the world read my newsletter and visit my website. So feel free to adapt these tips to conform with your province, region, or country. Part One of this blog post was published on August 11, 2011. At the right side of this blog is an Archive list. Go to August 2011 and scroll to Part One. 6. Visit 3-5 Online Domestic News Organizations My late Mother would turn over in her grave if she realized that her daughter, armed with a master’s degree, no longer subscribes to a newspaper. Although I do subscribe to a few magazines, I read all of my newspapers online...including The Boston Globe ( My Mother, a former educator, was a voracious reader, and thought every household should subscribe to at least one newspaper. That era has ended. Now I read several newspapers online every day. The Boston Globe, The New York Times ( and the Washington Post ( to name a few. Here are some other suggested news organizations to consider regardless of your political persuasion: 7. Visit 3-5 Online Domestic News Organizations Breaking free of print newspapers allowed me to explore the world through news organizations outside of the United States. Now when I want to check out a story with international implications, like the rise of the “Arab Spring” (the widespread civil unrest in North African and Middle East countries), I no longer rely on American resources to verify and comprehend the story. Two resources I heavily rely on are The BBC website ( and Al-Jazeera, the English speaking news organization covering the Middle East ( The BBC website is EXTENSIVE. They truly cover the world with articles, photos, audio programs and video clips. And you can learn several languages FOR FREE at the BBC website ( Al-Jazeera is a Arab and English speaking news organization owned by the country of Qatar and operated by the Qatar Media Corporation. If something happens with the liberation of Libya, I will go to a source like Al-Jazeera to get more indepth news analysis from an ARAB Perspective...NOT an American perspective. They also have great articles and video clips...all FREE to the user. Some other international websites to consider: 8. Write A Letter To The President First of all, visit the White House when you go to Washington DC (That is Tip #1 covered in our August 11th blog). And visit, the EXTENSIVE website for the President of the United State. There are articles, descriptions of the federal programs initiated by President and Mrs Obama, photos galore, and countless video clips. ALL FREE to review and download. Select ONE issue that resonates with your interests. And then write a letter to President Obama (or Michelle Obama). Maybe its your opinion on capital punishment in light of the recent controversial execution of Troy Davis. Or maybe you are passionate about climate control and energy efficiencies and want the government to do more to manage these increasingly important issues. Or maybe you are fed up with interviewing, have been out of work for a year, you’re 51 years old, and can’t find a job. Definitely write the President. Here’s his address: President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC. 20500 Phone Numbers: Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 FAX: 202-456-2461 TTY/TDD Comments: 202-456-6213 Visitors Office: 202-456-2121 Include your return address on the letter and You WILL get a response. 9. Get involved in ONE local/state/national issue Please don’t tell me that your efforts won’t be valued. With so many issues on the table in this country from high unemployment issues, to job readiness, to health care, to homeland security, there has to be some issue or organization that needs your voluntary services. My local chapter of Delta Sigma Theta took a sleepy little issue of on REDISTRICTING and turned it into a day long conference at the Massachusetts State House. We then attended several public hearings around the state and crafted a Delta message to our elected officials with our concerns as we lose one Congressional representative in 2012. What’s hitting your hot button? Depending on how much time you have (or don’t have) maybe you can donate one Saturday a month to read to children in your city or town. Or perhaps you can take that one day and help visit the sick or take meals to those in need. There are always opportunities to become a volunteer leader in a non profit organization that has local or regional chapters. America was built on the power of ideas, volunteer efforts, and cause-related activities. Pick ONE issue and make this issue your own. 10. Write a ONE page article/report on YOUR perspective and give it to a child. Pass it on. Pass it to the next generation. Your views on eduction. How you were impacted by your parents. Why school matters. The power of voting. Your first impressions when you traveled to “X” country. Why your family is the center of your existence. Why your faith has strengthened you in tough times. What you learned while working for your company. You pick the topic. Keep it short. Write the letter. Give it to a child. Pass on your ideas and experiences to a young person you know...or don’t know. Become informed. Make a difference. See the world. Connect with those who are culturally and ethnically difference that you are. Remember that empowerment begins when YOU believe in YOURSELF. Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No program •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device
9/22/2011 Domestic Violence In the Shadows of Professionalism: The Personal Journey of Dr. Gina MyersRead NowFocus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== It’s simply a page turner. You see her, a professional woman with a doctorate working for the federal government and you KNOW she has it all together. And then you read her book and see the OTHER side of Dr. Gina Myers...the side that’s been broken and bruised but not defeated. This is a very personal story. A Walk by Faith, as her book title suggests... about love, faith and domestic violence is a hauntingly powerful eyewitness report. Dr. Gina L. Myers has spent over 31 years in the Federal workforce as a trainer, consultant, auditor, manager, and Director. With a Master’s degree in Public Administration, she began her career as a Presidential Management Intern. Since that time, she has navigated through a myriad of career changes and achievements at a variety of Federal agencies, while honing her training, facilitating, consulting, and executive skills. For the past 18 years, she has served at Treasury in a variety of roles. For the past nine years, she has had several Director roles. She is currently the Director of Organization Development in the Human Resources Directorate, AC Management. In her spare time, she has designed and presented workshops, published several articles, and received a doctoral degree from the George Washington University in leadership and adult learning. As an expert in adult learning theories, she combines the psychological with the practical, to help individuals manage change in the workplace. She has a passion for helping others make the best of their lives by encouraging enhanced self-awareness and possibility thinking! Websites For More Information On Domestic Violence: Dr. Gina Myers' Website: Domestic Violence Awareness Project Website: Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No program •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device by Carole Copeland Thomas
The Multicultural Symposium Series (MSS) kicks off its 2011-2012 Webinar Series this week. Here are 10 reason why you should become a member of MSS and take full advantage of these important topics and discussions. 1. Discover new ways to bring global diversity and multiculturalism to YOUR organization. 2. Find new opportunities to communicate more effectively with your culturally diverse staff. 3. Find new opportunities to communicate more effectively with diverse clients or students. 4. Understand why diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism mean different things to different people. One size NEVER fits all. 5. Provide a reasonally paced educational program for colleagues and staff who are new to diversity. 6. Have a webinar series ON HAND that you can review again and again at YOUR Convenience. 7. Meet other professionals from around the WORLD who are learning and growing...just like YOU. 8. Develop new skill sets that will help you "up your game" on the job or in your community. 9. Discover new resources, websites, and contacts that will make you a more savvy diversity, multicultural, and inclusion advocate. 10. Learn how you can take your technology and skills to a new level by using diversity techniques both on and off the job. The Webinar Series starts tomorrow, Tuesday September 20th. It's the perfect time to learn. share and grow, with new ways to manage and apply diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion in everything you do! Click Here To Learn More About The MSS Webinar Series... ================= Webinar Schedule Of Events Tuesday September 20, 2011 Diversity, Multiculturalism & Inclusion 101 Defining The Concepts In A Globally Complex Marketplace Presenter: Carole Copeland Thomas With economic uncertainty and workplace issues affecting people throughout the world, veteran speaker and trainer Carole Copeland Thomas will walk you through the basics that define global diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion. From the most seasoned Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) professional to staff members who need to understand how difference and similarities affect their jobs...Carole will identify the 10 most important issues in the D&I marketplace. Carole Copeland Thomas has spent nearly 25 years as a global diversity professional, working with large and small organizations in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, El Salvador, Kenya, and South Africa. She is the founder of the Multicultural Symposium Series and Global Diversity Awareness Month. Who Would Benefit From This Webinar?? New Employees, Organization Leaders, Business Professionals, Government Professionals, Educators, Students Time: Tuesday September 20, 2011 - 60 Minutes 1pm Eastern · 12 Noon Central · 10am Pacific · 6pm UK Tuesday September 27th: Hispanic Heritage Month The Latino Legacy In The US, Canada & Beyond: Rising Voices In A Sea Of Change Presenters: Georgianna Melendez and Carlos Conejo The Latino Community represents the fastest growing ethnic population in the United States. Who are they? What countries/US territories do they represent? What are their cultural distinctions? Is it Latino, Latina, or Hispanic? And what is their cultural connection to a global marketplace? Industry experts Georgianna Melendez and Carlos Conejo tackle these questions and more as we explore the complex and critically important relationships in the Latino community. Georgianna Melendez is the Co-Director of the Commonwealth Compact in Boston, an organization committed to making Massachusetts a world leader in diversity and inclusion. A leading voice in the Latino community, Georgianna previously served as the Executive Director of Casa Myrna Vazquez, leading the agency, its operations and programs to reach more than 20.000 women and children who were affected by domestic violence. Carlos Conejo of Thousands Oaks, California is President of Peak Performance Seminars, a leadership and management consulting firm specializing in Lean and Six-Sigma methodology. He is the author of two books, Motivating Hispanic Employees: A Practical Guide To Understanding and Motivating Hispanic Employees and The Crabs of Santo Domingo: The Power of Working Together. Who Would Benefit From This Webinar?? Organization Leaders, D&I Professionals, Managers, Supervisors, Business Professionals, Educators, Students Time: Tuesday September 27, 2011 - 60 Minutes 1pm Eastern · 12 Noon Central · 10am Pacific · 6pm UK Webinar Series October Through December 2011 *Topics And Dates Subject To Change October 12th: Women, The Workplace & Community Activism November 8th: 50 Ways To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home & Your Community November 16th: The Political Implications Of Diversity: Toxic or Truthtelling? December 5th: Sales Marketing & Multiculturalism: Opportunities and Challenges In The Hospitality Industry December 13th: Career Track: Positioning Your Job, Business or Career For The Days & Months Ahead 2012 The Webinar Series Continues 9/15/2011 Today's Radio Show at 1pm Eastern: Boston NAACP One Hundred Years Later: Are We Post Racial Yet?Read NowFocus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== In 1903 Dr. WEB DuBois’s prophetic book, The Souls of Black Folk highlighted that the principle problem facing the 20th Century would be the color line. This Massachusetts native would go on to become the first editor of Crisis Magazine, the literary arm of the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People and long time advocate for social justice in America. Now some 100 years later the war against ethnic injustices continues, with the Boston Branch NAACP leading the charge in New England. This weekend the Boston Branch celebrates one hundred years of advocating for the rights and freedom of Black, Brown, Asian and Native people throughout the region. Branch president Michael Curry will walk us through the history of this celebrated branch and answer a burning question we have: Are We Post Racial in an Obama Era? Branch History In the Fall of 1909, the National Negro Committee in New York (which, in 1910, changed the name to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) held a meeting in Boston to bring together persons interested in civil rights for “colored” Americans. From this meeting came the Boston Committee to Advance the Cause of the Negro. This committee grew in membership and activity during 1910 and 1911. When the NAACP's Second Annual Conference was held at the Park Street Church in Boston in 1911, Boston was recognized at the first Branch of the organization. The early organizers in Boston were a small group made up of White abolitionists and their descendants such as the Garrisons, and Black professionals such as Butler Wilson, Clement Morgan and William Monroe Trotter. The early organizers had long recognized the great abuses to the Black citizens in Boston and throughout the United States , so they banded together “to assure equal opportunity and justice for each and every citizen.” It was on the evening of February 8, 1912 that 56 Bostonians, Black and White, male and female, gathered at the Park Street Church to receive the official Branch Charter inscribed with the following statement of purpose: “To uplift the colored men and women of this country by securing to them the full enjoyment of their rights as citizens, justice in all courts, and equality of opportunity everywhere” Over the years, the activities and accomplishments of the Boston Branch have been significant and varied. The problems and issues faced, and the strategies used, have changed and varied from year to year, only to reappear and reappear again. Boston Branch Today Today, the Boston Branch has a membership of approximately 1,000 people and holds regular monthly meetings at Roxbury Community College . Every month, the general public is invited to attend, participate in discussions, vote on key policy decisions, and voice concerns about local issues. The Boston Branch encourages individuals to join one of the many active committees that are designated to execute directives from the national office and meet the needs of the residents of the City of Boston . The Boston Branch is designated as a 501(c)(4) membership organization. For more information visit their website at: Is your world post racial? Leave your comments below. How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No program •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device September 11th will live in our collective spirits for years to come. As an American who resides in the Boston area, it has particular meaning for me on a personal and professional level. On September 11, 2001 I was in downtown Boston, speaking to 150 women of Verizon (the national telephone company) at the very time when the attacks happened. The women lost colleagues on that day. To make matters worse, a third plane smashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC. Then when you couldn't take anymore news, we learned of the heroic passengers who fought with the hijackers on United Airlines Flight 93, crashing the plane on the rolling fields of Pennsylvania.
On September 12th I was scheduled to speak at a leadership retreat with another respected client, The TJX Companies, the multinational corporation and owners of TJ Maxx and Marshalls. When I arrived at their retreat that next day, everyone was in tears, shocked by the events of the previous day. They lost seven people on one of the outbound Boston planes that hit the World Trade Center. After abruptly ending my workshop at Verizon and racing down the stairs of their regional headquarters, I entered a madhouse on the streets of Boston. Chaos everywhere. Cell phones did not work. Reporters thrust microphones in your face if you had any relatives or colleagues in New York. I pressed my way on the train, picked up my car, and roared off to the radio station that broadcast my weekly empowerment program. Something told me I had to be there...had to get on the do something to help. A colleague and I ended up broadcasting live from noon to 6pm, airing newsfeed from ABC as fast as we could get it. This video clip is a brief reflection of my experience on that paradigm-shifting day. It also gives thought to what we can do now to counter the hate, mistrust and cultural animosity that still permeates our world. Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below. And let us never forget the bravery and courage of the diverse group of people who died on September 11th. -Carole Copeland Thomas Video Length: 5:30 Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime Here's an ideal opportunity to learn more about Carole Copeland Thomas, her business philosophy, how she started her company and her plans for future endeavors. Carole opened a temporary employment agency in 1987 after business school, a MBA degree, a corporate job. a husband and three children. Now fast forward 24 years later, she's a grandmother on a mission to connect the world in conversation about multiculturalism, empowerment, global diversity and leadership issues. Learn more about the launch of her September Webinar Series, her upcoming 5th Multicultural Conference on October 27th and Membership opportunities in the Multicultural Symposium Series. It's a rare opportunity to sit back and learn from one of the earlier diversity professionals in the industry. And before or after you listen to the show, visit Carole's newly launched website: And explore all of the webpages of this site, You'll be amazed what you discover. Enjoy the journey! Your comments are always welcome below. How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No program •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device 9/1/2011 Today's Radio Program At 1pm Eastern: Game On For Young Leaders...Strategies To Stand Out and Move Up with Karen HindsRead NowFocus On Empowerment Can Be Heard Every Thursday at 1pm |
The Multicultural Symposium Series Webinar Series features current topics designed to enhance personal development both on and off the job. All you need is a computer and a phone to join each webinar. Open to Members of the Multicultural Symposium Series.
Visit for complete information.' Want to learn what it's like to own your own business? Or how to expand your business? Pick up a copy of Carole's book today!
Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
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