9/17/2015 Salute To Boston’s Diverse Leadership: Portraits Of Purpose With Co-Authors Don West and Kenneth J. CooperRead Now
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Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Now that Boston has officially become a “Majority-Minority” city, with 53% of its residence non-white, it’s time to showcase the many contributions of its diverse citizens. That’s now been done in a graphically rich new “coffee table” book: Portraits of Purpose: A Tribute To Leadership. Portraits of Purpose is a visual chronicle of 127 Boston-based African American leaders and their allies who have continued the pursuit of freedom and justice in a post-civil rights era. Renowned Boston photographer Don West and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Kenneth J. Cooper teamed up to capture the images and shared the stories of these significant individuals of conscience. From Charles Ogletree, Jr. and Cheng Imm Tan to Elma Lewis and the up and coming Tulaine Montgomery, these leaders of action are portrayed for the significant contributions they have made to the region…and the country. ==================== Don West A seasoned photographer and consummate professional, Don captures the spirit and character of people, places and events. A newsman at the core, he likes to be where the action is. West began his career as a freelance and news photographer, working for United Press International (UPI) and the Bay State Banner, Boston’s black weekly paper. He has since gone on to a host of photojournalistic assignments that have taken him throughout the United States, Latin America, Africa, China, Europe and the Middle East. He is particularly proud to have served as Nelson Mandela’s photographer when he first visited Boston after release from prison, in South Africa; the official photographer for Mel King’s historic “Rainbow Coalition” Mayoral campaign; and to be called upon to cover special events of Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign in New England. Likened to a “griot,” or people’s historian, Don uses his camera to provide visual witness to our rich diversity and collective contributions, capturing images and telling stories of individuals at work, at play, with their families, and in struggle for what they believe. Ken Cooper Kenneth J. Cooper is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and editor, veteran of 30 years at a major newspaper including The Washington Post and the Boston Globe. Currently, he is the editor for The Trotter Review, an annual scholarly journal focused on the history and culture of African Americans, published by the William Monroe Trotter Institute at UMass Boston. Independent writer for national magazines, freelance editor and consultant on journalism projects, Cooper is exploring new interests in the Middle East and is developing a major writing project, a historical narrative set in Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma. Learn more about the book at www.portraitsofpurpose.us ======================== How To Embed The Show: How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Select Today's Show •At the top right hand corner you’ll see three symbols: a cloud with an arrow pointing down, a rectangle with an arrow pointing to the right and a speaker that you can control. Pick the first symbol: the cloud with the arrow point down. For MAC: press down your command key and control key at the same time and click on the cloud. Select “Download Link File As” and save to your computer. For PC: Press down your command key and follow the instructions above for a MAC. •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device
Dear Valued Reader
You, like so many other busy professionals need a book that is factual, straightforward and insightful in navigating through the many voices of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion. You understand the basic concepts, but can benefit from a SINGLE SOURCE that cuts through the clutter and provides valuable information that you can use both on and off your job. That’s why I wrote my book: 21 Ways: How To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home and Your Community. And when you purchase two copies of 21 Ways by April 27th we’ll send your copies to you FREE of charge. And as a special bonus, when you buy two or more copies, we’ll send you my book: Real Women Real Issues: Positive Collaborations For Business Success And as a triple bonus we’ll send you a beautiful silver and chrome stylus pen for your touch pad devices that also doubles as a writing instrument! --Free Shipping! --Copy of My Second Book (Real Women)! --Silver/Chrome Stylus-Writing Pen! Click Here To Purchase The Book With Our Special Offer $15 for one book. 2 for $25 (you save $5). 10 books for $99 (you save over $50). FREE SHIPPING through April 27th. Is This Like The Other Diversity Books? NO! 21 Ways is an indispensable guide for those with a working knowledge of global diversity who want new resources and information to craft an advocacy campaign of their own. With over 28 years of experience as a speaker, trainer, and global thought leader, I share my years of experience with those who are serious about practicing diversity throughout the world. Straightforward, honest, and practical, 21 Ways To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home and Your Community gives you clear ideas on how to proactively manage diversity from training suggestions to social media strategies to travel opportunities. No more guesswork! This book shows you how to open new channels of information so that you can practice multiculturalism and diversity wherever you go. Chapters In The Book Include... Volunteer with a Culturally Diverse Organization Knowledge Transfer...Pass It On Visit The United Nations International Relations And Technology Social Media: Facebook &Twitter Social Media: LinkedIn & Twitter Become A Mentor & Find An Accountability Partner Learn More About Religion Become A Diversity Champion Buy A Book For You, Your Friends, And Your Colleagues May Idea: Chapter 22: Become A Diversity Champion, provides excellent information on how you can make any special ethnic or religious holiday a very special one for those interested in becoming better “multicultural citizens.” June Idea: Read Chapter 13: Audio/Video Record Your Oldest Relative. After reading the chapter, ask that special person to share a story or highlight an event that has made a lasting impact on their life. July Read Chapter 17: Social Media, Facebook and Twitter. Follow the suggestions in this chapter and promote your favorite women’s causes on both of these social platforms. There are COUNTLESS ways that you can use this book to discuss important issues that impact your daily life. And when you buy additional copies for your friends, family and colleagues you share valuable resources AND save money too! One friend in the Pacific Northwest bought 20 copies of the book to share with friends and colleagues during the holidays!! Another friend has quoted from my book for her doctoral dissertation. And when you purchase two copies of 21 Ways by April 27th we’ll send your copies to you FREE of charge. And as a special bonus, when you buy two or more copies, we’ll send you my book: Real Women Real Issues: Positive Collaborations For Business Success And as a triple bonus we’ll send you a beautiful silver and chrome stylus pen for your touch pad devices that also doubles as a writing instrument! Free Shipping! Copy of My Second Book (Real Women)! Silver/Chrome Stylus-Writing Pen! Click Here To Purchase The Book With Our Special Offer $15 for one book. 2 for $25 (you save $5). 10 books for $99 (you save over $50). FREE SHIPPING through April 27th. The book is perfect for: Business Professionals Educators Students Government Leaders Retirees Civic Activists Parents Faith Based Leaders People Who Love To Learn New Things And Busy People Like YOU! Don’t take my word for it! Here are four reasons why this book is for you: “If you want to cut through the jargon and push past the slogans, this is your book. If you want to get to the real meat of making our differences (and similarities) assets, instead of liabilities, a source of strength, instead of weakness, and an opportunity for enrichment, instead of conflict, this is your book.” Rev. Ray Hammond, MD. Senior Pastor Bethel AME Church And here’s another testimonial: “Even more than the clarity of her '21 Ways,' Carole Copeland Thomas has managed to sweep clarity and noble purpose into her fusing of Multiculturalism and Diversity. Carole's recipe is a sure fired foundation to beckoning any corporation and/or staff to make the climb to an informed perspective on the real world approach to understanding both Multiculturalism/Diversity. Hers is a delicious recipe insuring readers will want more and more of her informed offerings. I could not get enough of it!!!” Bob Danzig, Former CEO of Hearst Newspapers Author & Hall of Fame Speaker And here’s another.... “Carole Copeland Thomas brings the discussion around multiculturalism and diversity to a level anyone can wrap their brain and heart around. She brings the reader on a journey of reality and opportunity. This is worth the read and offers lots of conversation stimulators.” Georgianna Meléndez Executive Director Commonwealth Compact UMass Boston And here’s a testimonial from the United Kingdom: “As globalisation becomes more and more important in all countries and communities of our shrinking world, it also becomes ever more important to embrace the immense benefits of multiculturalism and diversity, thus releasing the many talents of so many of our citizens. ‘21 Ways to Bring Multiculturalism to Your Job, Your Home, & Your Community’ provides plentiful insights and a rich range of challenges by an author who is a true expert in this dynamic and increasingly pivotal industry. This is a book from the heart which should be read carefully and thoughtfully. Hugely to be recommended” Garth Dallas, CEO at Global Diversity Partners Ltd, Editor at Diverse Magazine CEO, Global Diversity Partners Ltd Editor, Diverse Magazine Take advantage of this special April offer and invest in a book designed to enhance and fortify your knowledge throughout 2015. Click Here To Order Your Books Now... I wish the very best for you in 2015. And I know that 21 Ways will help you and those in your community to help expand your multicultural marketplace in meaningful new ways. I would also like for YOU to host a book signing during 2015 and would love to bring my message to your community, company or association in the coming months. I can be reached at (508) 947-5755 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. My websites are www.tellcarole.com or www.mssconnect.com. Thank you for your support. I look forward to shipping your books out to you this coming week! Peace and Abundance To You, Carole Copeland Thomas LISTEN TO THE BROADCAST BELOW Online Business Radio at Blog Talk Radio with CaroleCopelandThomas on BlogTalkRadio Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== New author Kevin Parham has collapsed a lifetime of summer memories into one remarkable book titled The Vineyard We Knew: A Recollection of Summers on Martha’s Vineyard. The unheated small cottage his grandmother acquired would become a place of summer refuge for Kevin and his extended family for decades. Now he has done what most people only talk about doing: Kevin has published a new book about his summer adventures on this celebrated Massachusetts island. Before President Bill Clinton’s summer vacations...before President Barack Obama’s summer vacation...there were Kevin Parham’s summer vacations on the “Vineyard.” We’ll talk to Kevin on today’s show and preview what millions will experience from Gay Head to Edgartown to the Inkwell straight through Labor Day. It’s all about Martha’s Vineyard on today’s edition of Focus On Empowerment. Purchase Kevin's book at www.thevineyardweknew.com From Wikipedia: Martha's Vineyard (Wampanoag: Noepe) is an island located south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, known for being an affluent summer colony. It includes the smaller Chappaquiddick Island, which until 2007 was part of the same land mass before becoming detached by a storm. Often called just "The Vineyard," the island has a land area of 100 square miles (260 km2). It is the 58th largest island in the United States and the third largest on the East Coast of the United States. It is also the largest island not connected to mainland by a bridge or tunnel on the East Coast of the United States. It is located in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as a part of Dukes County, which also includes Cuttyhunk, as well as the island of Nomans Land, which is a US Wildlife preserve, and was a US Naval practice bombing range until 1996. The Vineyard was also home to one of the earliest known deaf communities in the United States; consequently, a special sign language, Martha's Vineyard Sign Language (MVSL), developed on the island. The 2010 census reported a year-round population of 16,535 residents; however, the summer population can swell to more than 100,000 people. About 56% of the Vineyard’s 14,621 homes are seasonally occupied. Martha's Vineyard is primarily known as a summer colony, and is accessible only by boat and air. However, its year-round population has grown considerably since the 1960s. A study by the Martha's Vineyard Commission found that the cost of living on the island is 60 percent higher than the national average and housing prices are 96 percent higher. A study of housing needs by the Commission found that the average weekly wage on Martha's Vineyard was “71 per cent of the state average, the median home price was 54 per cent above the state’s and the median rent exceeded the state’s by 17 per cent.” ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Social Psychologist Dr. James Pennebacker is a leading expert on the power of journaling. Wikipedia notes that “over the course of his career, Pennebaker has studied the nature of physical symptoms, health consequences of secrets, expressive writing, and natural language, and has received grants from the National Science Foundation, The National Institutes of Health, the US Army Research Institute, and other federal agencies for studies in language, emotional and social dynamics.” So there mounting evidence that regular journal writing POSITIVELY impacts your mind, body and spirit! Daily stories of things that happen in your life each day are worth jotting down in a notebook to keep forever. Today we’ll talk about specific topics you can write about and how to organize your thoughts into sections or categories for easy recall. As I discussed in last week’s show...How you can capture your own stories, your joys and sorrows won’t take you more than 20 minutes each day. It’s the basis of my fourth book, My Personal Journal, Chronicle Your Life One Day At A Time. Listen to today’s show and find out how scientific data proves you should journal for long lasting health! =========== About Dr. James Pennebaker Source: Wikipedia James W. Pennebaker (born March 2, 1950) is an American social psychologist. He is the Centennial Liberal Arts Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers. His research focuses on the relationship between natural language use, health, and social behavior, most recently "how everyday language reflects basic social and personality processes" Over the course of his career, Pennebaker has studied the nature of physical symptoms, health consequences of secrets, expressive writing, and natural language, and has received grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Army Research Institute, and other federal agencies for studies in language, emotion, and social dynamics. A pioneer of writing therapy, he has researched the link between language and recovering from trauma and been "recognized by the American Psychological Association as one of the top researchers on trauma, disclosure, and health." In particular, he finds a person's use of "low-level words," such as pronouns and articles, predictive of recovery as well as indicative of sex, age, and personality traits: "Virtually no one in psychology has realized that low-level words can give clues to large-scale behaviors." In the mid-1990s, he and colleagues developed the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; pronounced "Luke"), a computerized text analysis program that outputs the percentage of words in a given text that fall into one or more of over 80 linguistic (e.g., first-person singular pronouns, conjunctions), psychological (e.g., anger, achievement), and topical (e.g., leisure, money) categories. It builds on previous research establishing strong links between linguistic patterns and personality or psychological state, but makes possible far more detailed results than did hand counts.Pennebaker and associates have used this tool to analyze the language of Al Qaeda leaders and of political candidates, particularly in the 2008 United States presidential election. He blogs with associates on what linguistic analysis says about political leaders, at Wordwatchers: Tracking the language of public figures,and Pennebaker Conglomerates, Inc. offers free LIWC-based text analysis tools online, including a language style matching calculator and a language-based application of the Thematic Apperception Test ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device ![]() This video launches the Empowerment Tip To Success Series hosted by diversity professional Carole Copeland Thomas. Each week we'll have a new tip to help empower and expand your personal and professional career path. Today's tip: How To Collaborate: Working With Others For Project Success Your comments and suggestions are welcome below. -Carole! Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Everyone has a “book inside of them.” But few actually publish one, let alone two or three. But what is it like when four women set a goal to publish a book together? Fun, frenetic and frightening at the same time. That’s a good way to describe the journey that Michelle Porchia (Trumbull, Connecticut), Debra Gould (New Orleans), Nancy Lewis (Atlanta) and I had in crafting our book: Real Women Real Issues: Positive Collaborations For Business Success. And Michelle and Debra join me on today’s show to discuss the value of collaborative partnerships in an ever changing and competitive world. The book is more than a business book. It’s explores the intersection of friendship, faith and collaboration between African American women who dare to dream. From meeting each other more than 15 years ago at a National Speakers Association conference to forming our mastermind group, The Ebony Speakers in 2007, we’ve shared our joys and tragedies with each other, and now in our new book. Listen to this interview and share it with others who dare to dream. It demonstrates how women who live in different parts of the country can support each other, outreach to the marketplace while achieving personal and professional success. ======================= About The Ebony Speakers When your organization needs the very best speaker, trainer or consultant, call on The Ebony Speakers. Veterans in the communications industry Debra Gould, Nancy Lewis, Michelle Porchia and Carole Copeland Thomas met through the National Speakers Association almost 20 years ago. They formed Ebony Speakers in 2007. Hire them as a group or individually for their expertise in Relationship Economics, Networking, Balancing and Transitioning or Global Diversity and Multiculturalism. They are seasoned in their craft and expert content providers, ready to address the needs of your organization. When you need the right presentation and the messenger matters, call on The Ebony Speakers. Experienced. Dedicated to Excellence In Service. Professionalism At Its Finest. www.ebonyspeakers.com ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Dear Special Friend:
Many THANKS to those who have already ordered their copies of the book. WE'VE EXTENDED THE SPECIAL OFFER TO JANUARY 6, SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER. You, like so many other busy professionals need a book that is factual, straightforward and insightful in navigating through the many voices of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion. You understand the basic concepts, but can benefit from a SINGLE SOURCE that cuts through the clutter and provides valuable information that you can use both on and off your job. That’s why I wrote my new book: 21 Ways: How To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home and Your Community. And when you purchase 21 Ways by January 6, we’ll send your copies to you FREE of charge. And as a special bonus, when you buy two or more copies, we’ll send you my Audio CD: RESET NOW! Five Ways To Turn 2012 Into A Robust 2013. Click Here To Purchase The Book With Our Special Offer $15 for one book. 2 for $25 (you save $5). 10 books for $99 (you save over $50). FREE SHIPPING through December 31st. Is This Like The Other Diversity Books? NO! 21 Ways is an indispensable guide for those with a working knowledge of diversity who want new resources and information to craft an advocacy campaign of their own. With over 25 years of experience as a speaker, trainer, and global thought leader, I share my years of experience with those who are serious about practicing diversity throughout the world. Straightforward, honest, and practical, 21 Ways To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home and Your Community gives you clear ideas on how to proactively manage diversity from training suggestions to social media strategies to travel opportunities. No more guesswork! This book shows you how to open new channels of information so that you can practice multiculturalism and diversity wherever you go. Chapters In The Book Include... Volunteer with a Culturally Diverse Organization Knowledge Transfer...Pass It On Visit The United Nations International Relations And Technology Social Media: Facebook &Twitter Social Media: LinkedIn & Twitter Become A Mentor & Find An Accountability Partner Learn More About Religion Become A Diversity Champion Buy A Book For You, Your Friends, And Your Colleagues January marks the 84th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that Americans will celebrate on January 21st. On that day/weekend, we’ll also celebrate the Inauguration of President Barack Obama’s second term in office. Chapter 22: Become A Diversity Champion, provides excellent information on how you can make this upcoming weekend a very special one for those interested in becoming better “multicultural citizens.” February is Black History Month in the US. One way to commemorate the countless contributions of African Americans around the country is to read Chapter 13: Audio/Video Record Your Oldest Relative. After reading the chapter, ask that special person what Black History Month means to them and what has the re-election of America’s first Black President meant to their generation. March is Women’s History Month in the US. Read Chapter 17: Social Media, Facebook and Twitter. Follow the suggestions in this chapter and promote your favorite women and women’s causes on both of these social platforms. There are COUNTLESS ways that you can use this book to discuss important issues that impact your daily life. And when you buy additional copies for your friends, family and colleagues you share valuable resources AND save money too! One new friend in the Pacific Northwest bought 20 copies of the book to share with friends and colleagues during the Christmas holidays!! And another friend is quoting from my book in her doctoral dissertation. When you purchase 21 Ways by December 31st we’ll send your copies to you FREE of charge. And as a special bonus, when you buy two or more copies, we’ll send you my Audio CD: RESET NOW! Five Ways To Turn 2012 Into A Robust 2013. Click Here To Purchase The Book With Our Special Offer $15 for one book. 2 for $25 (you save $5). 10 books for $99 (you save over $50). FREE SHIPPING through January 6. The book is perfect for: Business Professionals Educators Students Government Leaders Retirees Civic Activists Parents Faith Based Leaders And Busy People Like YOU! Don’t take my word for it! Here are four reasons why this book is for you: “If you want to cut through the jargon and push past the slogans, this is your book. If you want to get to the real meat of making our differences (and similarities) assets, instead of liabilities, a source of strength, instead of weakness, and an opportunity for enrichment, instead of conflict, this is your book.” Rev. Ray Hammond, MD. Senior Pastor Bethel AME Church And here’s another testimonial: “Even more than the clarity of her '21 Ways,' Carole Copeland Thomas has managed to sweep clarity and noble purpose into her fusing of Multiculturalism and Diversity. Carole's recipe is a sure fired foundation to beckoning any corporation and/or staff to make the climb to an informed perspective on the real world approach to understanding both Multiculturalism/Diversity. Hers is a delicious recipe insuring readers will want more and more of her informed offerings. I could not get enough of it!!!” Bob Danzig, Former CEO of Hearst Newspapers Author & Hall of Fame Speaker And here’s another.... “Carole Copeland Thomas brings the discussion around multiculturalism and diversity to a level anyone can wrap their brain and heart around. She brings the reader on a journey of reality and opportunity. This is worth the read and offers lots of conversation stimulators.” Georgianna Meléndez Executive Director Commonwealth Compact UMass Boston And here’s a testimonial from the United Kingdom: “As globalisation becomes more and more important in all countries and communities of our shrinking world, it also becomes ever more important to embrace the immense benefits of multiculturalism and diversity, thus releasing the many talents of so many of our citizens. ‘21 Ways to Bring Multiculturalism to Your Job, Your Home, & Your Community’ provides plentiful insights and a rich range of challenges by an author who is a true expert in this dynamic and increasingly pivotal industry. This is a book from the heart which should be read carefully and thoughtfully. Hugely to be recommended” Garth Dallas, CEO at Global Diversity Partners Ltd, Editor at Diverse Magazine CEO, Global Diversity Partners Ltd Editor, Diverse Magazine Take advantage of this weekend’s special offer and invest in a book designed to enhance and fortify your knowledge for the New Year. Click Here To Purchase The Book With Our Special Offer When you purchase 21 Ways by January 6th. we’ll send your copies to you FREE of charge. And as a special bonus, when you buy two or more copies, we’ll send you my Audio CD: RESET NOW! Five Ways To Turn 2012 Into A Robust 2013. $15 for one book. 2 for $25 (you save $5). 10 books for $99 (you save over $50). FREE SHIPPING through January 6th. I wish the very best for you in 2013. And I know that 21 Ways will help you and those in your community to help expand our multicultural marketplace in meaningful new ways. I would also like for YOU to HOST a Book Signing during 2013 and would love to bring my message to your community, company or association in the coming months. I can be reached at (508) 947-5755 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. My websites are www.tellcarole.com or www.mssconnect.com. Thank you for your support. I look forward to shipping your books out to you this coming week! Happy New Year, Carole To Purchase The Book With This Special Offer, Go To: http://specialbookoffer.eventbrite.com (Above: Gerry Garner and her husband of 63 years, Albert)
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Sometimes a chance meeting isn’t by accident. It’s the opportunity to meet a kindred spirit along’s life’s journey. That’s what happened to me last September at the conclusion of an industry conference that was held on the grounds of a large Massachusetts fairgrounds. Our conference registration included admissions into the Eastern States Exhibition, one of the largest “tri-state” fairs in the country. I walked around in amazement since I had never attended this event in the 30 years living in the state. Curiosity led me to the exhibit hosted by several self published authors who had formed an association. It’s founder was Gerry Garner, a spry 87 year old retired teacher who still had much to accomplish in life. I joined the association on the spot and opened my world to the wonders of Western Massachusetts. I am honored today to have Gerry and Albert Garner on today’s show. They were sweethearts in their youth, and this week celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary! Gerry is the founder of Authors Selling Books, an association for self published authors based in Springfield, Massachusetts. She has authored a wonderful anthology, Generations Build The Future. Her husband, Albert’s is completing his first book that is due out soon! You’re never too old to start a new chapter in your life....or your book. This show will inspire those ready to reinvent themselves for the holidays and into the New Year. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Many factors caused me to write my new book: 21 Ways To Bring Multiculturalism To Your Job Your Home And Your Community. One of those factors was politics, that dirty little word that often polarizes us whether intentional or not. Our entire planet is impacted by politics and the people who play politics on our behalf. I wrote my book in part to give each reader resources, websites and materials to intelligently decide which political issues matter most in their lives. The book provides a practical guide to understanding diversity, multiculturalism and yes, politics. This week and next we’ll explore the ways that you can develop your own perspective on multiculturalism, keeping politics in clear view. Explore your own political viewpoints in the pages of my new book. This week’s spotlight is on the Republican National Convention that ends tonight with Mitt Romney’s nomination acceptance speech. Listen to my show, buy my book, then watch the convention highlights either live or online later. You hold the key to greater understanding of the intersection of global diversity and politics. --------------------------- Carole’s book can be purchased on Amazon.com or Click Here To Order From This Website ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To www.blogtalkradio.com/globalcarole •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
The Multicultural Symposium Series Webinar Series features current topics designed to enhance personal development both on and off the job. All you need is a computer and a phone to join each webinar. Open to Members of the Multicultural Symposium Series.
Visit www.mssconnect.com for complete information.' Want to learn what it's like to own your own business? Or how to expand your business? Pick up a copy of Carole's book today!
Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024