Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== To start a business is one thing. To stay in business is something else entirely. October begins my 30th year as a small business owner. I’ve had enough rejections surprises, disappointments and setbacks to write ten books, with room for more. But the sweet sound of YES and “You Won The Contract” make all of the personal journeys all worthwhile. The next two episodes of this show will give you the 30 honest realities of what YOU need to start a business AND persevere no matter what happens along the way. This is not textbook theory; rather, these are the actual elements you need to stay operational and survive the difficulties wherever they come. I have an MBA degree, but it was the school of hard knocks that gave me my greatest lessons for business success. Get out your pen, pencil, notebook or digital board and learn about steps 1 through 15 on today’s business boot camp journey.
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== There is a definite method to follow to succeed at the game of networking. And when you develop a strategy that is comfortable for you, it will yield results that will work in your favor time and time again. On today’s show, Carole will complete this networking series by helping you identify a continuous stream of networking possibilities to fill your “funnel.” And she’ll help you design a followup system you need to stay in touch with your contacts while closing on the “deals/contracts/projects/promotions” on you path to success. Networking doesn’t have to seem like work. And it definitely doesn’t have to be drudgery. We teach you how to make it a routine relationship driven process to help you gain new clients, colleagues and collaborators in the days months and years ahead. ============== Networking Part One and Two Don't forget to check out Part One and Two of this series to learn a comprehensive approach to Networking. Here are the links: Part One: Part Two: 6/23/2016 New Ways To Networking Success Part Two: Business Card Basics and Networking EssentialsRead Now
There is a definite method to follow to succeed at the game of networking. And when you develop a strategy that is comfortable for you, it will yield results that will work in your favor time and time again.
On today’s show, Carole will teach you the basics about business cards and how to use them effectively and efficiently. And you’ll learn some networking essentials that will keep you connected to the people and organizations that can help you grow and move forward on your job and in your business. Networking doesn’t have to seem like work. And it definitely doesn’t have to be drudgery. We teach you how to make it a routine relationship driven process to help you gain new clients, colleagues and collaborators in the days months and years ahead. 6/9/2016 New Ways To Networking Success Part One: Build Your Contacts One Business Card At A TimeRead Now
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== There is a definite method to follow to succeed at the game of networking. And when you develop a strategy that is comfortable for you, it will yield results that will work in your favor time and time again. On today’s show, Carole will teach you 5 key steps to taking your networking skills from zero to 100 by listening, studying and playing to win at each new event you attend. Networking doesn’t have to seem like work. And it definitely doesn’t have to be drudgery. We teach you how to make it a routine relationship driven process to help you gain new clients, colleagues and collaborators in the days months and years ahead. ============ Five Steps To Networking Success Listen To The Audio Podcast Above For Complete Details On These Five Steps 1. The Ongoing Process To A Strategic Goal 2. Your Package: Your Elevator Pitch 3. Access Your Audience - Who's In The Room? 4. Focused Mingling 5. Handle Hot Leads With TLC 1/21/2016 How To Create A Mission Statement That Makes Sense And Moves Your Message ForwardRead Now
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Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime At This Blog Post. Each broadcast can be replayed immediately following the show. ======================== There’s big difference between a mission statement and a vision statement, and today’s show will clarify how they differ. We’ll give you a step by step plan to establish your own personal mission statement that will enhance your business, your service organization or even your family unit. Creating a mission statement can be simple and easy. Now is a good time to determine the most effective way to position yourself in a clear and concise manner that will deliver the right type of message to help you grow and expand your base. Get out your pen, paper and your thinking cap and let’s get busy creating a mission statement that will work for you! =========================== Carole's Mission Statement: Carole Copeland Thomas and C. Thomas and Associates are content providers delivering presentation programs, consulting initiatives and live events to audiences large and small throughout the world. The focus on their services highlight positive change to global diversity, multiculturalism, inclusion, leadership, empowerment and women's issues. C. Thomas and Associates is a full service training and consulting practice founded by Carole Copeland Thomas in 1987. No entrepreneur can remain in business or grow an operation without a steady and supportive clientele. I am no exception, and I am so appreciative of the partnership I have had with Amtrak for many years. When I started the Multicultural Symposium Series in 2008 Amtrak was there to back me. Despite a very turbulent economy, federal government shutdowns, business failures, slowdowns and reorganizations, companies like Amtrak have found a way to support my business when I could have papered my walls with the NO’s I received from other organizations.
The beauty of my relationship with Amtrak is that it has lasted through three sets of decision makers! Enter Mike Esposito, who inherited his company’s commitment to minority business development and continues partner with me and The Multicultural Symposium Series. We will learn more about Amtrak’s commitment to diversity when he delivers a compelling Roundtable presentation during the November 6th Multicultural Conference. State Street Corporation is the LEAD SPONSOR of the Multicultural Symposium Series. In his 34 year career with Amtrak, Mike Esposito has attained extensive knowledge and experience in various areas within the Amtrak organization. He is currently the Manager of Sales and Marketing for Amtrak New England. Mike received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of New Haven and majored in Hotel Restaurant Management, Tourism and Travel. We hope that YOU will attend this upcoming conference. It will be held at the University of Massachusetts - Boston Campus on Thursday November 6, 2014 from 8am to 3pm. Tickets are only $99, which includes a 12 month membership in the Multicultural Symposium Series. Click Here to register for the Multicultural Conference. Click Here to learn more about the Multicultural Conference. For further information contact Carole Copeland Thomas at 508 947-5755 or email [email protected] Listen To The Show Below... Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with CaroleCopelandThomas on BlogTalkRadio Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Fresh from his Atlanta experience former National Board Chair Bill Wells, Jr. walks us through the highlights and key issues discussed at last week’s National Black MBA Association Annual Conference. Thousands attended where corporate decision makers networked and sized up credentialed job seekers during the Career Fair Expo, workshop sessions and general assemblies. It was four plus days of non stop networking for those who attended. And highly anticipated visits from Magic Johnson and Robin Roberts capped off a high stakes, well choreographed opportunity for black business professionals to come together for the good of all. We’ll also bring Happy New Year greetings to our Jewish listeners celebrating Rosh Hashanah, one of most important High Holidays in the Jewish calendar. About the National Black MBA Association The National Black MBA Association® (NBMBAA) was founded in 1970 at a two-day conference held at the University of Chicago, by a group of African American MBA students, faculty, advisors, and businessmen. The purposes of the Association are:
At the NBMBAA®, empowering professionals through strategic business forces is fundamental to our character and the way we represent our members. We have created numerous ways for our members to contribute to our commitment of fostering intellectual and economic wealth for the communities in which we empower, work, and serve. Take some time to peruse our website to learn about all of the fascinating programs that we have to offer. ======================== Click Here For More Information On Rosh Hashanah ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device 8/7/2014 11 Ways To Convention Success:Making the Most Out Of Your Next Convention, Conference or Trade ShowRead Now Discover Business Internet Radio with CaroleCopelandThomas on BlogTalkRadio Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== I am a veteran convention attendee and have attended, spoken at or participated in countless conventions and conferences since my early 20s. Now 40 years later, they still hold great fascination and value for me. This summer alone I have attended 4 conventions, with #5 coming up next week. On today’s show I’ll share an 11 step strategy on making conventions, conferences and trade shows work for you. You’ll learn how to NOT get overwhelmed, how to manage your expectations and how to use each experience to gain new clients, new projects, new friends or close that promising business deal. Get out your pen and paper and let’s get to work on maximizing your next convention experience. ====== Step 1 Game On! Preparation Step 2 Chill...Pace Yourself To Avoid Burnout Step 3 Stock Up On Your Supplies...Business Cards, etc. Step 4 Hit The Bullseye...Meeting The Right People Step 5 School's In....Attend Those Convention Classes Step 6 Food Network Step 7 File For Effect Step 8 Money Trap Wisdom Step 9 Fun Factory: Time For ME Step 10 Say YES To Volunteerism Step 11 Oh Yes...Phase 2 BONUS: BLOG, BLOG, BLOG & Broadcast on Social Media ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device 7/8/2014 Making The Most of Your Industry Conventions: Why NSA/Platform Keeps Me CompetitiveRead NowBy Carole Copeland Thomas
Last week’s trip to San Diego completed the 16th (or 17th) time I have attended the national convention of the National Speakers Association. I joined in 1995 and immediately registered for that year’s convention held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. With a few exceptions I have attended the convention each year. During last week’s event, the leadership team announced an association name change: Old name: National Speakers Association to New Name: Platform. The dramatic change has certainly caused some debate within our circles, but at least I am glad to have heard the announcement in person instead of third hand. The workshops, early morning sessions, late night community forums and hallway chatter made for a value added experience. The trip provided the opportunity for me to keep current within my industry and reinforce connections with other speakers, thought leaders, trainers, consultants and entertainers who like me are engaged in the business of communications. Additionally I learned about the latest technology and reviewed new avenues of income designed to keep this business competitive and relevant to our client base. JUSTIFIED COSTS The NSA/Platform national convention was NOT an inexpensive investment. With airfare, hotel, and a significant registration fee, attending the convention in San Diego put a dent in my budget. But the return on my investment will more than make up for the money I spent to get to California and back. The same holds true for you and your industry. Be it the National Education Association convention, the National Black MBA Association, The National Bar Association or the American Medical Association...industry conventions keep you up to date on the latest trends and techniques in your field of work. And it’s no different when attending social justice conventions, faith based conferences or sporting conventions. These national and often international experiences are designed to raise the level of awareness and advocacy for each attendee who will then take home the new knowledge and share with others. All conventions are different. NSA/Platform conventions combined education with entertainment. Because most attendees are bankrolling the cost, they’ll get up at 6am grab breakfast and pack the morning general assembly to hear the headline speaker of the hour. Very few NSA/Platform attendees skip a day’s worth of sessions that they financed themselves. When it’s your money that underwrites your convention costs, you’ll do what it takes to fully engage in the experience each and every day that you’re there. AFTER YOU GET HOME THE FOLLOW UP BEGINS And then it’s the job of following up on all of the business card leads, website downloads and congratulatory emails that will keep you occupied for the month after the annual convention has ended. That’s what I am doing now that I’ve returned from San Diego and ramping up for the rest of 2014. And when I watch last week’s video clips and look at countless photos, I realize that my business development investment was well worth the price. Whatever your career path, business journey or professional pursuit, an annual convention can energize your materials, keep you fresh, enhance your perspective and help you maintain your competitive advantage. So...start now to save for next year’s conference/convention/seminar for your industry. Attend. Get involved. Offer your leadership. Volunteer. All will help move you to higher heights in your field of study, business, profession or career path. Happy Travels To You! ====================================== Your Comments Are Welcome. Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== In 1953 I was born into a somewhat segregated Black community in my hometown of Detroit. My pediatrician was Black. My mother’s favorite dress shop was Black owned. My father was a co-owner of a Black owned business. The hospital of my birth was Black owned. And as a teenager I volunteered at a Black owned hospital. Black entrepreneurship was simply a way of life for me. Now some 60 years later the historic significance of Black owned businesses resonates as the forerunners of our enterprises today. The businesses of yesteryear operated out of courage, necessity and innovation. They laid the foundation and endured the hardships of their era. Today my colleague, Bill Wells and I will pay tribute to the innovators, entrepreneurs and advocates of yesterday and today during this special Black History Month Tribute to the drivers of Black economic development. Today's Black History Entrepreneurs And Advocates Richard Allen, Co-Founder of the AME Church AND An Entrepreneur Beth Williams, Roxbury Technology Curtis Wells, Educator and Advocate John Johnson, Johnson Publications (Ebony and Jet Magazines) Dr. Frederick Patterson, Educator and Advocate Mary Jane McLeod Bethune, Educator and Advocate ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
The Multicultural Symposium Series Webinar Series features current topics designed to enhance personal development both on and off the job. All you need is a computer and a phone to join each webinar. Open to Members of the Multicultural Symposium Series.
Visit for complete information.' Want to learn what it's like to own your own business? Or how to expand your business? Pick up a copy of Carole's book today!
Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024