Carole (bottom left with different hairstyle) with members of the Diversity Collegium. Dr. Roosevelt Thomas is the third from the right. Date: 1999 or 2000 at one of our meetings in Northern California ![]() Because Of Him, Dignity For All People Spreads Worldwide... A Tribute To Diversity Pioneer The Late Dr. Roosevelt Thomas 1944 - 2013 by Carole Copeland Thomas, MBA, CDMP In the early 1990s when I was building my business and my diversity practice, I was invited to join a newly formed group called the Diversity Collegium. Co-founded by Dr. Price Cobbs, Dr. Roosevelt Thomas and other practitioners in 1991, the group put aside its competitiveness and banded together to advance the cause of diversity. I was in the second round of consultants invited to join the group. And meeting and working with Roosevelt, Price and the others significantly impacted my business and reinforced my commitment to the field. It also reaffirmed my belief and commitment to collaborating with others and coalition building. I stayed in the Collegium until 2002, but always respected my colleagues, especially the insightful wisdom of Roosevelt Thomas. He was a quiet gentle giant, steadily pushing diversity in a forward direction. His 1990 article “From Affirmative Action to Affirming Diversity” was the mainstay of every diversity practitioner I knew. And the books he wrote formed the backdrop of the business case for diversity. He was respected around the world and loved for his wise counsel and wisdom. Last week after exercising in his home, he fell, hit his head and never regained consciousness. His death was swift and sudden. Today what would have been his 69th birthday was a somber and stately funeral at Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta. Left behind to mourn are his wife Judge Ruby Thomas, their children, grand child, extended family and the entire world of diversity and inclusion indebted to his contribution to the field. Click Here To Download The Official Press Release Issued By The Diversity Collegium. And please visit for more information about the wonderful organization I called home for many years. Roosevelt Thomas will be missed by all of us, but never forgotten. My thoughts and prayers go with his beloved wife, Rudy, children, grandchild, and extended family members. We are all so blessed to have known him. His contributions to our global society will be felt for generations to come. -Carole Copeland Thomas, MBA, CDMP Click Here To Read The Diversity Collegium Press Release About The Death Of Dr. Roosevelt Thomas Your Comments Or Reflections About Dr. Roosevelt Thomas Are Welcome
Pictured Above:
Retired Lt. Colonel Deborah L. Parker and Her Uncle The Late Command Sergeant Major Harris L. Parker ===================== Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ===================== Much like the SWOT analysis that I learned in business school years ago, there are many leadership lessons borrowed and adopted from the rank and file of military figures both past and present. You simply can’t win military campaigns without strong and effective leadership. And you can’t make progress in business, or community projects or on government initiatives without strong leadership. Are leaders born or made from their experiences of life? That’s a question we’ll ask our guest today. Deborah L. Parker learned much from her own military career as a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army. And she learned even more from her uncle, Command Sergeant Major Harris L. Parker, who she affectionately called Uncle Horace. She captured that insight in her new book, Hardcore Leadership: 11 Master Lessons From My Airborne Ranger Uncle’s Final Jump. What does leadership mean to you? And when does a leader need to switch gears so that others can follow more effectively? We’ll explore leadership and its many lessons on today’s show. About The Author: The route of following the path of your calling led Deborah to start a motivational speaking, leadership and personal development practice, The DPJ Training Group, over 15 years ago. Springing this enterprise forth after numerous other careers from a social worker to army officer and corporate manager, she uses the insight gained from these opportunities to now train and coach employees in her client organizations on practical ways to overcome challenges in the workplace or other parts of their lives. She is known as dynamic, inspiring and practical in her approach by those who’ve attended her workshops and motivational speaking engagements. Deborah is the author of 3 books. A motivational memoir, Navigating Life’s Roadways: Stories of Insight from My Odyssey and Inspiration For Your Journey, was published in July 2011. She has ventured into the ebook space and Life is A Review: Observations and Collections of My Passages Through the Times is available on Amazon. Her book (October 2012) is For People of Strength, Soul, and Spirit: Seven Guidelines for Life & Career Success, which explores the African American story as powerful lessons in goal achievement. Her latest book, Hardcore Leadership: 11 Master Lessons from My Airborne Ranger Uncle’s “Final Jump” chronicles the life and in charge pursuits of her late uncle retired Command Sergeant Major, Vietnam Vet, along with his community positions as a former Chief Magistrate, Chair of Sussex County Board of Supervisors and Ranger Hall of Fame Inductee with takeaways for leaders in business and professional situations. In past writing pursuits, Deborah has published articles on business, career and lifestyle issues for publications such as the Alexandria Old Town Crier,Washington Afro-American Newspaper, Metro Herald and Arizona’s Black Executive Magazine. For more information visit Deborah's website at: ===================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Above: Simma Lieberman (right) with her partner of 18 years, the late Sandra Brown and their son Avi.
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== As a heterosexual diversity professional, I have had connections to the LGBT community for my entire life. And I am a devout Christian. My children's godfather is gay. A very close personal friend of our family was gay. And I have had lesbian friends for many years. For me, it's just the way it is…some people are straight like me. Some people are not. And in that spirit I openly endorsed the Massachusetts court ruling on same sex marriage in 2004, much to the horror of some of my would be friends and clients. Now nine years later LGBT and same sex marriage issues are part of our everyday conversation. And today, to shed light on a very personal experience of what it's like to live in the LGBT community, my guest is Simma Lieberman. My friend for many years. A well respected diversity and inclusion consultant from Berkeley, California. And a lesbian mother who recently shared her evolution on same sex marriage following the death of her partner of 18 years, Sandra Brown. Her commentary was just published on the CNN website…and its heartwarming account of two women in love will cause you to re-examine your own perspective on LGBT issues. Stop long enough and listen to today's show. And share the interview with your friends and colleagues so that you can explore LGBT issues with greater clarity and confidence. ============ Link To CNN Article: ============ About Simma Lieberman ( Simma Lieberman is internationally known as "The Inclusionist," because she creates inclusive cultures where people love to do their best work, and customers love to do business. She is a diversity and inclusion/culture change consultant, speaker, and coach. She has the unique ability to bring people together from diverse, disparate backgrounds to engage in constructive dialogue that results in dramatic improvements in the way they interact , and work with each other. Simma was raised in the Bronx, New York where she developed a passion for diversity and inclusion. She moved to Eugene, Oregon which was her first culture shock, and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Simma is a member of the Diversity Community Exchange (DiCE), a multi-cultural organization of people in the US and Europe, who are well-known for their ability to facilitate dialogues amongst people from different racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds, political beliefs, genders, ages and sexual orientation. Simma has worked with organizations that include; Diageo, Motorola, ABM Janitorial, Pillsbury Bakeries and Foodservice, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, Chevron, Briefings Media, Kaiser Permanente, City of San Francisco, Lockheed Martin, American Empresarial. Her articles and advice have been featured in publications like; Wall Street Journal, New York Times,, Fast Company, Newsday,,, Black MBA, Restaurant Hospitality, Managing Diversity Journal, Workforce Diversity Network, and Your Cheating Simma is co-author of two books. "Putting Diversity to Work, how to successfully lead a diverse workforce," (Crisp, 2003) and, "The Diversity Calling; building diverse communities, one story at a time." Simma is a co-host of SWIRL radio, an LGBT produced talk show that can be heard on AM radio in several cities across the US and on-line. She is a former co-chair of the San Francisco Regional Council of Out and Equal. Simma lives in Berkeley, CA with her 17 year old son and their four year old dog. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Just like my employment experiences more than 25 years ago, you probably passed through the doors of the Human Resources department on your way to your first, second or third job. That department is the gateway to your dream job, or the last stop on your way out. On today’s show we’ll talk with Tracy Burns, Chief Executive Officer of NEHRA: Northeast Human Resources Association, New England’s largest HR association to find out the latest trends and topics in the industry. We’ll also learn about important ways that employees can build stronger relationships with their HR departments as they secure bigger and better jobs. And we’ll learn how NEHRA expanded its application of Diversity and Inclusion through its D&I Community Forum, Steering Committee and last week’s successful Annual D&I Awards Gala. Determine your HR focus, listen to today’s show and get ready for new action as a working professional in our ever changing marketplace. About NEHRA: The Northeast Human Resources Association is the premier HR association in the northeast and we are dedicated to helping our members lead, advance and influence the management of human resources and its impact on organizational success. For over two decades, NEHRA has provided members with educational opportunities and programs, information and resources and the chance to connect with other HR professionals in meaningful ways - all designed to enhance workplace contribution and stimulate professional growth. NEHRA understands the importance of people to the success of an organization - your people and the practices that attract and retain them are among your company's most sustainable competitive advantages. The keys to strong people practices in this challenging economic environment are keeping current on HR issues, trends and skills; developing a strong support network; and contributing to your organization's success. For More Information Visit Their Website at ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
The Multicultural Symposium Series Webinar Series features current topics designed to enhance personal development both on and off the job. All you need is a computer and a phone to join each webinar. Open to Members of the Multicultural Symposium Series.
Visit for complete information.' Want to learn what it's like to own your own business? Or how to expand your business? Pick up a copy of Carole's book today!
Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024