The American landscape is changing so rapidly that it’s often difficult to keep up with how diverse we have become. Those changes can be disturbing to some, while others embrace similarities and differences with more awareness and understanding.
Today we discuss these important issues with veteran diversity professional Simma Lieberman. A Berkeley based Jewish advocate who is also gay, Simma will help us understand how fear and lack of awareness are the biggest enemies to social change in our country. Learn why diversity still matters in our nation and why the LGBTQ community is an important segment of our country and our world. ============================================ About Simma Lieberman Simma Lieberman is internationally known as “The Inclusionist,” because she creates inclusive workplaces where employees love to do their best work, and customers love to do business. Her passion for diversity and its possibilities began in 1963 when she went on the March On Washington. In 1963. She wishes she could say that it was because of hearing Martin Luther King give his “I Have A Dream” speech, but she was too young to remember it. However, she has always remembered what it felt like to be amongst 250,000 people for the first time of all colors, cultures, and ages, rallying and marching together for change. Later on, she began working with a multi-cultural organization in New York City, where she was trained to facilitate dialogues with diverse racial and ethnic groups, in order to reduce tension, and create effective working relationships. Her first culture shock was when she moved from the Bronx to Eugene, Oregon, where she was a member of a multicultural global theater group. Today, Simma works with leaders of organizations who understand that while training in areas of diversity and inclusion is important, sustainable change only occurs when diversity and inclusion are integrated into the business strategy, and are part of the organization’s cultural DNA. She strongly believes that implementing good diversity management and developing cultural intelligence are necessary for organizations to stay relevant and competitive in tomorrow’s markets. Her unique ability to view organizations through an inclusion lens also enables Simma to help leaders in organizations uncover employee genius, and leverage their diverse talents and skills at any level. She has worked with a wide range of organizations that include: Applied Materials, Gulfstream, America Empresarial, Intel, Diageo, Kimpton Hotels, VSP, Boeing, Pillsbury Bakeries and Foodservices, McDonalds, Women’s Foodservice Forum, Oracle, Kaiser Permanente, UC Berkeley, and the US Dept. of Transportation. Simma is a member of two diversity think tanks, a former co-chair of the San Francisco Regional Chapter of Out and Equal, and former board member of the Northern California Chapter of the National Speakers Association. She is the president of the Northern California Chapter of Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and an inductee to the Million Dollar Consultant Hall of Fame. Publications that have featured her articles and ideas include The Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Fast Company, The Economist, Forbes, Black MBA, Restaurant Hospitality Magazine, Insight Into Diversity, Working Mother, Cosmopolitan UK, Human Resource Executive, CEO Refresher and CNN. She is the co-author with George Simons and Kate Berardo, of Putting Diversity to Work, how to successfully lead a diverse workforce, the co-author of The Diversity Calling, Building Diverse Communities One Story at a Time and the author of 110 Ways to Champion Diversity and Build Inclusion and Stress Management for the Motivated, A Workbook For You. Contact Simma at [email protected] or 510-527-0700
![]() Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== Today’s show examines where the rubber meets the road with veteran diversity and LGBT professional Simma Lieberman. She’s developed 25 fool-proof ways to determine the effectiveness of your diversity strategy in your company, organization or community. Take out your pen and scorecard and determine if diversity is real or imaginary in your establishment. I’ll also debut my 4th book entitled: My Personal Journal: Chronicle Your Life One Day At A Time. It provides the perfect way to jumpstart a surefire way to create a steady stream of journal entries every single day. And you’ll learn how Carole has amassed nearly 40 volumes of journal entries over the past 17 years. And finally you’ll find out why you should attend the upcoming February 11th Black History Breakfast if you live anywhere near Boston. About Simma Lieberman Diversity and Inclusion/Culture Change Consultant Simma Lieberman is internationally known as "The Inclusionist," because she creates inclusive cultures where people love to do their best work, and customers love to do business. She is a diversity and inclusion/culture change consultant, speaker, and coach. She has the unique ability to bring people together from diverse, disparate backgrounds to engage in constructive dialogue that results in dramatic improvements in the way they interact , and work with each other. Simma was raised in the Bronx, New York where she developed a passion for diversity and inclusion. She moved to Eugene, Oregon which was her first culture shock, and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Simma is a member of the Diversity Community Exchange (DiCE), a multi-cultural organization of people in the US and Europe, who are well-known for their ability to facilitate dialogues amongst people from different racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds, political beliefs, genders, ages and sexual orientation. Simma has worked with organizations that include; Diageo, Motorola, ABM Janitorial, Pillsbury Bakeries and Foodservice, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, Chevron, Briefings Media, Kaiser Permanente, City of San Francisco, Lockheed Martin, American Empresarial. Her articles and advice have been featured in publications like; Wall Street Journal, New York Times,, Fast Company, Newsday,,, Black MBA, Restaurant Hospitality, Managing Diversity Journal, Workforce Diversity Network, and Your Cheating Simma is co-author of two books. "Putting Diversity to Work, how to successfully lead a diverse workforce," (Crisp, 2003) and, "The Diversity Calling; building diverse communities, one story at a time." Simma is a co-host of SWIRL radio, an LGBT produced talk show that can be heard on AM radio in several cities across the US and on-line. She is a former co-chair of the San Francisco Regional Council of Out and Equal. Simma lives in Berkeley, CA with her 17 year old son and their four year old dog. ======================== YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME! How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPad, Android device, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Above: Simma Lieberman (right) with her partner of 18 years, the late Sandra Brown and their son Avi.
Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern. Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== As a heterosexual diversity professional, I have had connections to the LGBT community for my entire life. And I am a devout Christian. My children's godfather is gay. A very close personal friend of our family was gay. And I have had lesbian friends for many years. For me, it's just the way it is…some people are straight like me. Some people are not. And in that spirit I openly endorsed the Massachusetts court ruling on same sex marriage in 2004, much to the horror of some of my would be friends and clients. Now nine years later LGBT and same sex marriage issues are part of our everyday conversation. And today, to shed light on a very personal experience of what it's like to live in the LGBT community, my guest is Simma Lieberman. My friend for many years. A well respected diversity and inclusion consultant from Berkeley, California. And a lesbian mother who recently shared her evolution on same sex marriage following the death of her partner of 18 years, Sandra Brown. Her commentary was just published on the CNN website…and its heartwarming account of two women in love will cause you to re-examine your own perspective on LGBT issues. Stop long enough and listen to today's show. And share the interview with your friends and colleagues so that you can explore LGBT issues with greater clarity and confidence. ============ Link To CNN Article: ============ About Simma Lieberman ( Simma Lieberman is internationally known as "The Inclusionist," because she creates inclusive cultures where people love to do their best work, and customers love to do business. She is a diversity and inclusion/culture change consultant, speaker, and coach. She has the unique ability to bring people together from diverse, disparate backgrounds to engage in constructive dialogue that results in dramatic improvements in the way they interact , and work with each other. Simma was raised in the Bronx, New York where she developed a passion for diversity and inclusion. She moved to Eugene, Oregon which was her first culture shock, and now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Simma is a member of the Diversity Community Exchange (DiCE), a multi-cultural organization of people in the US and Europe, who are well-known for their ability to facilitate dialogues amongst people from different racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds, political beliefs, genders, ages and sexual orientation. Simma has worked with organizations that include; Diageo, Motorola, ABM Janitorial, Pillsbury Bakeries and Foodservice, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, Chevron, Briefings Media, Kaiser Permanente, City of San Francisco, Lockheed Martin, American Empresarial. Her articles and advice have been featured in publications like; Wall Street Journal, New York Times,, Fast Company, Newsday,,, Black MBA, Restaurant Hospitality, Managing Diversity Journal, Workforce Diversity Network, and Your Cheating Simma is co-author of two books. "Putting Diversity to Work, how to successfully lead a diverse workforce," (Crisp, 2003) and, "The Diversity Calling; building diverse communities, one story at a time." Simma is a co-host of SWIRL radio, an LGBT produced talk show that can be heard on AM radio in several cities across the US and on-line. She is a former co-chair of the San Francisco Regional Council of Out and Equal. Simma lives in Berkeley, CA with her 17 year old son and their four year old dog. ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device Focus On Empowerment can be heard every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.
Log Onto: Listen LIVE or Download Anytime ======================== I especially want young adults to listen and download today’s show. It will help connect the words in the history books with one woman who experienced it first hand. Everyone knows about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. An impressive quarter of a million people heard his “I Have A Dream” speech live on the Washington Mall that hot summer day in August 1963. Many more watched with anticipation on television. The rest have read about it in the history books. A very young Simma Lieberman was one of the lucky ones who heard the speech live among the crowds on the Washington Mall that fateful day in 63.’ And it proved to be life changing for her and countless others who dreamed of freedom and justice for all Americans. Simma is my special guest today, and she will help paint the picture of why the King Dream matters as much today as it did almost 50 years ago. Simma Lieberman is an international diversity and inclusion specialist based in San Francisco. She has worked with major corporations across the US and her articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and She is the author of two books, Putting Diversity To Work, How To Successfully Lead a Diverse Workforce and a soon to be released anthology The Diversity Calling, Building Diverse Communities One Story At T Time. Visit her website at ======================== Your Comments Are Welcome Below... -Carole How To Download Today's Show •Can't listen live??? No problem. •After The Broadcast...Go To •On My Homepage Next To My Picture Click On The RSS Feed (It's orange and has RSS on it) •Select Today's Show •Download As A MPEG File For Macs or Windows Files Fro PCs •The Broadcast will play on your computer, Laptop, iPod, iPhone, or any other MP3 Listening Device |
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Click On The Cover Below... How can YOU practice diversity and multiculturalism where YOU live?? Read Carole's book and find out how to make it happen!!
Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024