Our lives turned upside down by mid-March when an invisible germ knocked on doors across the world, entered, and decided to stay. Strange and unwanted, the coronavirus derailed carefully planned events and upset our lives in a manner that hasn't been seen since the flu pandemic of 1918.
Traveling To India In February, I led a group of hearty travelers to India for the sixth time, thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We carried masks in our suitcases as a precaution and made sure to tell the customs officers when we arrived in South India that we were coming to Chennai from Boston, not China (seriously). Little did we realize that Wuhan, China would become the epicenter of a worldwide pandemic that has killed nearly one million people. Black History Breakfast Deciding to host my March 12th Black History Breakfast was a difficult choice. Conditions gradually deteriorated when I returned from India straight through ramping up for the Breakfast. By March 11th, the cancellations poured in from sponsors and supporters who could not attend because of company policies or just fear of this thing called COVID-19. I worked with the hotel to make sure we had plenty of space between seats and ample hand sanitizer. Our usual practice of hugging and kissing our keynote speaker and award recipients was strictly prohibited. We elbow bumped instead. It ended up being a lovely event and was one of the last events that the hotel held before shutting down for several months. Attending The Final Face To Face Church Service I attended my last face to face church service on Sunday, March 15th. Our church, Bethel AME in Boston, has been virtual ever since, with one exception of a parking lot service held last week. The building is closed, and the Zoom/Facebook/YouTube services will continue until probably sometime in 2021. We have adapted, and the church is busier than ever online! Hunkering Down At Home Since those two special events on March 12th and March 15th, I have largely stayed at home. Fortunately, I have had a home office for more than 20 years and shifted a portion of my business online five years ago. Transitioning all of my business activities online was not that difficult. I have used the Zoom platform for years, never knowing that I would become a Zoom trainer and would run my entire speaking and training business on Zoom as these weeks have turned into months. I learned to adapt to this sea change caused by COVID-19. All of the earlier ups and downs of my personal and professional life prepared me for this era. Little did I realize that the hard work preparing for and presenting my TEDx talk on "Facing Fear" last October would actually foreshadow the anguish, sadness, sickness, and death brought on by this nasty virus. Covid Test Last month I took my first COVID test (the self-administered nasal version) and tested negative. My younger daughter and son in law, who live with me, have also tested negative. In a few weeks, I'll take the test again to ensure a negative result to an awful intruder. Missed Visits With My Grandchildren I miss seeing and hugging my granddaughters and their parents, who I have not seen in person since January. That's the toughest part of fighting this deadly disease. Adjusting To This New Normal Spending long stretches indoors find me working longer in my office. I have started some deep dive cleaning projects in my house, long overdue from years on the road. I don't expect to travel until next summer or later in 2021 and don't anticipate traveling internationally until 2022. Being at home so much has been a blessing to my front and back porches! I have flowers and plants everywhere! I have purchased many of my plants from the farmer about five minutes from my house. Her plants are hearty, and she operates on the honor system. You buy what you want and leave the money in her change box! Her basil plants are flourishing on my front and back porch, and I enjoy the soups, veggie dishes, and salads made with my basil, parsley, and chives. My king coleus plants look like small trees, but I had to make some adjustments on my front porch when the deer decided to eat the giant leaves for dinner!! Economic Pandemic and Job Layoffs What a difference six months make!!! On top of job cuts, including my younger daughter, Michelle's layoff as a high school paraprofessional, canceled projects, and business closures yield economic forecasts of uncertainty we could have never predicted five years ago. Racial Pandemic America's racial climate turned ugly following the tragic death of George Floyd. His murder triggered a worldwide outbreak of protest rallies. Black Lives Matter signs are rallied from Seattle to Johannesburg, and CEOs wrote apology letters all over the country. My diversity services hit a fever pitch all summer long. Training sessions, C-Suite forums, and Third Shift workshops…you name it, and I've held it on Zoom. The key will be to sustain the anti-racism workshops and implicit bias training sessions well into 2021 AND beyond so that systemic change can become a permanent part of our institutions and communities throughout the United States. I'll save my comments, predictions, and actions about the upcoming presidential election for my next post. I have too much to say to cram it all in one essay. This commentary sets the stage for my comments on where we are headed as a country on November 3rd. In the meantime… Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Wear your face mask everywhere. Keep your distance. Make sure you complete your US. Census Form by September 30th. The adventure of our lives has only just begun.
Yolanda E Smith
9/19/2020 09:41:14 am
Thank you for your post. As a pastor, I too have adapt and find things I had not time in the past are doing and love. Thank you again for your Zoom training.
Janet Humdy Morrison
9/19/2020 02:27:48 pm
Dear Carol,
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 10:55:31 pm
Janet you are such a warrior woman! I certainly hope you are correct in that we'll earn our wings to fly off in the sunset earlier than 2022! Every day is a gift! -Carole
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 10:53:07 pm
You are most kind, Pastor Smith. Your prayers and those of the faithful will see us through this troubling pandemic. Thank you so much.
Carol Ann Parks
9/19/2020 10:14:57 am
Surviving this Triple Pandemic will significantly influence how society will look in the not so distance future. As individuals we need to be mindful of our mental health and the well being of our family and friends. Just like the COVID test, periodically check for loneliness and depression.
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:00:15 pm
So true Carol. There have been several online presentations on COVID and mental health issues, especially targeted at people who live alone. Sadly the isolation can be punishing for some people. Looking out for our neighbors and family members can aid in preventative care. -Carole
Tina L Stephens
9/19/2020 10:24:21 am
I found this to be a very welcome and informative read, Carole Copeland Thomas. It gave me such a positive feeling and a great way to start the day. I especially loved the picture on you on your porch. It looks so soothing and friendly. God Bless you and your family, indeed.
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:02:48 pm
Tina, you are too kind! I am so happy that the article lifted your spirits. I especially like sitting on my porch eating lunch and taking a breather before continuing on with my activities. Peace and blessings to you. -Carole
Jacqui Easterling
9/19/2020 11:16:52 am
Thank you for sharing. Now mmore than at any time in our history, we must come together in one accord to survive, then thrive the triple pandemic we are in. Travel isn't reasonable to entertain, a big hit for my Airbnb business but I thank God for his provision - Jacqui's Hands On continues. Yes, I will be signing up for more Zoom classes as I recognize that Zoom is the"coin of the realm". I like your choice of reading - yet another view of race relations in this country. I look forward to your next posts. RBG rest in Power and Peace!
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:06:59 pm
Soror Jacqui, you know how to PIVOT when you have to do so. Your Airbnb hiatus has been surpassed by your organization business. Multiple revenue streams...Good for YOU! We will all press on....and will do so with new intentionality in tribute to RBG. -Carole
Allen Callahan
9/19/2020 11:36:18 am
“The adventure of our lives has only just begun.” — the perfect tag line for this very challenging season! Thanks so much for the encouraging Word and the encouraging words.
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:09:35 pm
Dr. Allen C: We have to believe that the best is yet to come out of this triple pandemic!!! Thank you for your kind words! -Carole
Elizabeth T. Nagarajah
9/19/2020 12:40:45 pm
Good afternoon Carole, Your newsletter and words are timely and encouraging. The pandemic has truly change the landscape of all of our lives. I am learning to adapt with church, family, work and social life with the new norms that are in place. Thank you and people please wash your hands (often), wear your mask (everywhere), keep your distance (yes it's hard) and I will complete the census. God bless each of your and stay safe
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:13:40 pm
Elizabeth, although scientists predicted a future virus-driven pandemic, no-one predicted a TRIPLE pandemic. Our fortitude, courage, and caution will somehow see us through. Stay safe and THANK YOU for completing your Census form! -Carole
rita mclemore-mcgregor
9/19/2020 03:45:00 pm
Thank You Carol
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:24:24 pm
When I lament, my younger daughter, Michelle reminds me that living hunkered down is a better alternative to the grave!! Rita, we will persevere! -Carole
Barbara T. Davis
9/19/2020 03:54:44 pm
I enjoyed the picture of you on your porch. That I think is one my biggest regrets. I have no porch or patio to retreat to in my home.
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:26:50 pm
I hear you, Barbara! Perhaps you can designate a small corner of your home as your "indoor garden." Fill it with plants and enjoy their beauty. -Carole
Barbara DeBerry
9/19/2020 07:31:57 pm
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings on this Triple Pandemic. I see that we are experiencing many of the same things. I, too, particularly miss being with my grandchildren. I last saw and held them on my birthday in February. FaceTime is nice, but not the same.
Carole Copeland Thomas
9/19/2020 11:29:44 pm
Barbara, we'll have to endure the absence of our precious grandchildren, with high anticipation that our next visit with them will be filled with an outpouring of our love. -Carole
Charm Natalie Woodall
9/19/2020 11:30:49 pm
Thank you so much sharing you new letter. I really enjoyed it. I look forward to ready more.
Margaret S Bennett
9/20/2020 03:34:23 am
I'm grateful to you for my intro to Zoom Workshop in July. I'm a participate in Zoom meetings and feel apprehensive to extend myself further (one day I'll get better). I also thank you for sharing your story. We're all in this together, just waiting on the Lord. He knows what's best for us and is totally in charged. Praying all is well with you and family.
Cristina Ajemian
9/20/2020 09:43:39 am
Carole, You are truly a leader in so many ways! We have so much work to do to repair our country that at times, I despair. And now, this loss that we were all dreading -our women's champion on the Supreme Court is gone and leaves a dangerous void.
Dorothy Curry
9/20/2020 11:28:16 am
Hi Carole and thank you for sharing your thoughts about live since COVID-19.
Sharon Callender
9/22/2020 08:39:11 am
Hi Carole,
Mattie Deed
9/22/2020 01:24:13 pm
Hey Carole! This is such a beautiful scene to look at!
Lorita Brockington
9/24/2020 02:50:52 pm
Thanks for sharing Carole. I just returned from a cousin's trip to OBX. What a blessing. I am busy. I walk and participate in a zoom chair yoga class instructed by a wonderful mature man. Reading,zooming and Bible study. Check out The Very Rev. Kelly Douglas Brown on UTube. Starting to read Caste. Hope to see you virtually soon.
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Click On The Book Cover Below... AuthorCarole Copeland Thomas is a 27 year speaker, trainer and consultant specializing in global diversity, empowerment, multiculturalism and leadership issues. Archives
September 2024